Eubacteria & ion gradient systems

Eubacteria have an ion gradient systems that work just the same as other important ion systems. The energy form used in Eubacteria is in the form of ATP, which is used to pump out sodium ions against the concentration gradient therefore causing the bacterial cell to act as a store. This feature makes the sodium from outside the cell to move into the cell using the sodium ion channels that contain the sodium channel proteins, which when activated, are useful in the propelling of the rotor that makes the bacterial cell move (Eubacteria).

Eubacteria is therefore described to having an elegant system of locomotion. The Pilli; This structure is made up of long polysaccharide or protein chain arranged differently at the tip giving it a specific type of functionality. It is said to be a diverse both structurally and in relation to function. Some bacteria have pilli that serve as tactile and sensory organs to the bacterial cell. Bacteria have a complicated arrangement of carbohydrates in the pilli that enable the recognize other bacterial cells. short pilli are referred to as fimbriae.

Reproduction; Eubacteria have a circular DNA within the chromosome and not the set of chromosomes like in eukaryotes, they therefore cannot reproduce by mitosis. Reproduce in Eubacteria is by binary fission. Replication takes place every 20 second and produces two copies of the genetic material in different regions of the nucleoid. The result of replication is two similar yet completely independent daughter cells. another classification based on nutrition of the Eubacteria and the oxygen requirements can be used.

Classification based on nutrition; Eubacteria are either classified as autotrophs or heterotrophs. Autotrophs are those that are capable of producing their own food which can either be photosynthetic or chemosynthetic. These autotrophs can use or not use oxygen in the food production process. An example of a photosynthetic autotrophic Eubacteria is the Cyanobacteria, which was known as algea due to their large cells than other bacteria. Heterotrophs on the other hand, are not able to produce their own food and are either parasitic or saprophytic (feed on dead material)

This characteristic forms the basis of classification of Eubacteria. They are mainly classified as either Spherical Eubacteria also known as the cocci, spiral or helically-shaped Eubacteria (Spirilla), or rod-shaped Eubacteria (bacilli) . Morphology; Eubacteria are unicellular Prokaryotic cells with a …

Abstract. Bacteria constitute a wide group of micro-organisms that have different qualities and physiological, biochemical, cytological, and genetical characteristics. Their morphology, nutrition, habitat and metabolism differ from one taxonomic class to the other. Eubacteria also known as true bacteria is …

In single celled organisms, nutrients, water and various substances that are need for basic cellular processes can easily be transported in and out through the cell membrane. This is an effective transport system for microscopic organisms, but multicellular organisms require …

Respiration of Eubacteria is through two ways, fermentation and respiration using oxygen. Other Eubacteria can use both fermentation and oxygen for their respiration. Eubacteria that uses oxygen in their respiration pathway are called aerobic Eubacteria while those that do not …

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