Ethics Case Study

Abstract This paper will explain the different situation that people face in their every day life. Also, the example will determine what a doctor, medical personnel, or patient should do in any situation involving health care situation. Healthcare has become a main focus of a person life especially if the have a certain disease or illness that’s not preventable. Patients who are in any type of critical condition will face very expensive medical bill for any treatment.

Hence, the government is make very hard for people to get medical insurance, and the people who don’t have medical insurance is basically out of look as far as treatment. Does Jerry’s medical training qualify him to issue this refill order? Why or Why not? In Jerry’s situation, he really doesn’t have the medical training to issue or refill any medication orders because he is just a doctor assistant. If a patient found out that the medical assistant was issue any medication the doctor and the clinic could be in danger of closing because he doesn’t have the education and the medical background to issue medicine to a patient.

They only way he could give the medical is unless the doctor left the prescription in the office for the patient to pick up that is the closes way to issuing medication or refilling a order. A front office employee may be called a medical assistant, and may not technically be one, they’re often gifted secretaries or receptionists, excellent at communicating with people, and good at reading medical documentation (Ellis-Christensen, 2010) Would it make a difference if the medication requested were for control of high blood pressure that the patient critically needs on a daily basis?

Why or why not? Yes, it would make a difference because the doctor has to be the one who gives the constant for any one on his medical staff to even call in a prescription over the phone. The doctor also have the authority to write the prescription, and he can give it his medical assistant to give to the patient, but they are not authorized to write any prescription for a patient even if the medical is for blood pressure. The patient sees the doctor on a regular basis, so the doctor knows the patient will need the blood pressure medicine on a daily basis.

If Jerry calls in the refill and the patient has an adverse reaction while flying, is Jerry protected from a lawsuit under the doctrine of respondent superior? If Jerry calls in the a refill without constant from the doctor and patient has an adverse reaction, no Jerry will not be protected from a lawsuit under the doctrine of respondent superior because he was not authorized by the doctor, and secondly, he doesn’t have the medical background to refill or write a prescription. What is your advice to Jerry?

My advice to Jerry is if he wants to refill patient’s prescriptions, then he should seek medical training to become a doctor to perform specific duties that a doctor have. The education Jerry will need go to medical school, and any other schooling that provided for doctors. Also, the duties that a doctor performs can not be obtained by a doctor’s assistant. However, if Jerry thinks he is ready to have patient’s lives in his hands, then he may become a good doctor since he already knows the steps he has to take to run a medical office. Identify major legal and ethical issues that may affect Jerry’s decision.

The major legal and ethical issues that may affect Jerry’s decision is that first, he will be sewed by the patients family and he will also be sewed by the board of health. He will face extreme jail time, if he is found guilty for writing a medical prescription and he wasn’t authorized to do so, which make him guilty. On the other hand, I think Jerry should have been taught the ethics about healthcare, so he wouldn’t think that it was okay to prescribe a patient medicine. In most cases, any workplace should have certain ethics that they must follow.

What problem-solving methods might be helpful to assist in making and ethical decision? Ethical decision making is the generic term for the process of making a decision within an ethical context in a specific setting: business, education, or medicine (Schroeter, 2002). Some ethics are defined as various ways and simple ways to start certain principles upon which one has a foundation of the right conduct and how to be a good person. As people we really don’t know were the ethical decision come from, all we know is that they must be followed. These ethical can get a person in to trouble if they are not careful.

Conclusion In conclusion of this case study, it pointed out key question on a certain position a person have in the healthcare field, and they are not careful they can do the wrong thing, and get themselves in plenty of trouble. I think that Jerry should think before he follows the wrong decision that he could face possible jail time for the care of a patient, and he is just an assistant. Patients may not know the whole ethical background of healthcare; they should know the difference between a doctor writing a prescribed medicine, then his assistant writing one.

As I stated earlier that patient has to have certain medical insurance to even get the medicine they may need. Reference: Ellis-Christensen, T, (2010), “What Does a Medical Assistant Do”, Retrieved January 18, 2011, http://www. wisegeek. com/what-does-a-medical-assistant-do. htm Schroeter, K, (2002) Ethical Decision Making, “Ethics in Preoperative, Practice Principles and Application”, Retrieved January 18, 2011, http://www. netce. com/coursecontent. php? courseid=467#ETHICALSHOPTALKANDTHEDECISION-MAKINGPROCESS.

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