The advancements and technicalities associated with life have become the very core in the evolution of different kinds of diseases. There are certain diseases that are formed due to the malfunctions of some of the organs in the body. On the other hand, there are other diseases that are manifested because of the degradation of the organs and their normal production of sugar and other components in the body. One of these is known as “Essential Fructosuria. ” Essential Fructosuria is defined as a metabolic disorder, considered to be inherited from family members who have a history of the said disease.
The disorder is distinguished by the abnormal presence of fructose in the urine output of an individual. Fructokinase may also be attributed to the enzyme deficiency in the liver, which is needed for fructose glycogenesis. However, doctors should also be aware of misdiagnosis, for the presence of fructose in the urine and in the blood is a symptom associated with diabetes (National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. , September 17, 2007). Essential Fructosuria also has numerous names.
These include Hepatic Fructokinase Deficiency, Levulosuria, Ketohexokinase Deficiency, and Fructosuria (University Health Systems of Eastern California, 2005). Irrespective of how this disorder is known to many, what is important is it addresses on disorder with distinct symptoms. Fructosuria is a disease the is considered to have symptoms similar to those of diabetes mellitus. Fructosuria often involves vomiting, especially upon the intake of food containing sugar. Furthermore, this is also accompanied by nausea and cold sweat and even pallor, which may persist until the following day.
In addition to this, jaundice also becomes evident as time passes by, with the thymol turbidity test producing abnormal results. Moreover, hypoglycemia also becomes evident in the blood for a few hours until all of the sugar have been eliminated (Grobin, May 1, 1958). Let it be known to all that the most evident symptom that may be attributed to Fructosuria is the presence of sugar in the urine. This may be seen when ants are seen crawling towards the urine. It has been common knowledge that ants are attracted mostly to sweets (Cure Research, 2008).
Urine output of normal individuals would oftentimes contain a ph level of 7. 4-6, and a specific gravity between 1. 002 and 1. 035. In addition to this, several compounds also make up the urine of an individual. These contain proteins, glucose, ketones, nitrite, and leukocyte esterase (Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library-Online, n. d. ). An alteration on the standards set for each would lead to different diseases associated with such. In this light, the presence of fructose in the urine of an individual normally indicates fructosemia.
However, there are times wherein sugar content in urine is interpreted as a symptom for diabetes. As mentioned earlier, people who are diagnosed with Fructosuria exhibit certain signs and symptoms. The intake of food containing sugar makes the individual feel nauseous, eventually vomiting. This may be attributed to the fact that body contains sugar that is below the standards set for fructose. However, this is something that would not be made easy by the people who experience such disorder.
The causes of Fructosuria are oftentimes caused by hepatic failure, intolerance to Fructose, and Fructokinase deficiency. The said deficiencies are attributed to the other symptoms that the individual would encounter. These include malaise, mood swings, vomiting, liver enlargement, seizures, and even jaundice. The lack of fructose in the liver causes the said organ to malfunction and become dry, thus making it enlarged. In addition to this, the imbalance caused by fructose intolerance may also be attributed to the fact that body is not functioning properly because of the fructose (Wring Diangnosis, 2008).