
Discussing a nursing research article

For this assignment the author will be discussing a nursing research article. The article was published in The Journal of Advanced Nursing which is a quality peer reviewed journal. This means that before an article is published it is reviewed …

    Delivering patient care

    Self-awareness skills are vital for all therapeutic interaction and development of such skills should be built into all training programmes (English National Board 1987). This essay will attempt to identify a variety of theories based upon the concept of the …

      Drug and alcohol service

      I have chosen to focus this reflection on an issue arisen at a meeting with myself, a client and his social worker whilst on placement with an nhs drug and alcohol service. This critical incident and professional awareness reflection includes …

        Comparing the dissolution of tablets and capsules

        Dissolution rates may be increased by decreasing the drug particle size (this increases the available surface area to the dissolveing fluid), increasing solubility in the diffusion layer (the ionised form of the drug will have greater solubility in the diffusion …

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          The Old Nurse’s Story

          Most ghost stories have certain conventions that we expect them to follow, such as vulnerable characters and supernatural goings on. The ghost stories “The Old Nurse’s Story” by Elizabeth Gaskell and Robert Westall’s “The Call” both follow some of these …

            Relevance of the blood tests

            Serum calcium is important for muscle contractility, cardiac function, blood clotting and neural transmission. The total calcium in the blood can be measured to determine parathyroid function and calcium metabolism. The normal levels of serum calcium is between 2.25-2.75 mmol/l. …

              Care planning

              The care value base used by paediatric nurse in a hospital Care planning is the key to the care value base. To ensure that patients wishes are at all times considered, every patient has their own individual plan which is drawn …

                Both the Old Nurse’s Story

                Both the Old Nurse’s Story and The Wharf are powerful and disturbing stories, but they achieve many of their effects in very different ways. Compare and contrast the key features of the stories, one c.20th and one pre c.20th. The Old …

                  Drug testing

                  At what point is seeking personal information in the workplace a violation of one’s privacy? Is it only justified at certain jobs? Should all drug use be treated the same? Should drug testing be at the discretion of the employer …

                    Cows are stressed

                    Change in climate in southern part of US has stressed out cows. Cows are producing less milk than usual. The humidity, hot nights, and hot weather have made southeast part of US to be the least friendly place in the …


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