
Types of depression

When looking at depression there are three different kinds of depression; major depression, dysthymia and bipolar depression. Major depression interferes with your ability to work, eat, sleep, and enjoy activities that was once found pleasurable. Dysthymia is a long term …

    Archetypal concept of drug addiction

    How has the archetypal concept of drug addiction based on the model of physical tolerance, craving, and withdrawal been undermined by social and psychological research? The concept addiction in relation to narcotic and alcohol use is often seen as an intrinsic …

      Explain schizophrenia and the symptoms

      In my essay I will attempt to explain schizophrenia and the symptoms of the disorder. I will also describe and evaluate evidence that has been put forward to attempt to explain what causes the disorder. First of all I will …

        Gender specific – Alzheimer’s

        I’ve been told my mother may have Alzheimer’s disease and that it is a neurodegenerative disorder, but what does this mean? Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, which causes the gradual loss of brain cells. Brain cells, which we take for …

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          Iron Acquisition In Disease

          For the most part, the commensal bacteria, and the humans on which they live, live in a balanced symbiotic relationship. However, the bacteria may, if the circumstances are right, take the form of opportunistic pathogens e.g. a minor number of …

            Disease called Alzheimer’s

            It gives most people hilarious pictures in their minds of other people doing strange, funny, silly, irrational things without really realising what they are doing. My Grandma is losing her marbles but it’s not funny or silly, instead it’s very sad …

              Immunity simple and safe

              Immunisation is a quick, simple and safe way to protect an individual from infection. The more people immunised in childhood, the more rare diseases become. Immunisation therefore protects not just your child but babies, adults and other children too. Artificial immunisation …

                Huntington’s disease

                Huntington’s disease (HD) is an inherited, degenerative brain disorder named after physician George Huntington, who in 1872 first described the ailment. It is also sometimes referred to as Huntington’s chorea, from a Greek word meaning “dance”, which refers to the …

                  The physiology of eating disorders

                  The erratic eating habits of those with eating disorders, including starvation, vomiting and diuretic or laxative abuse, can start a sequence of events leading to the medical consequences of eating disorders. These consequences reach every system of the body and …

                    Cigarette Smoking and Disease

                    Smoking causes 120,000 deaths per year in the UK, (7) as this essay highlights tobacco smoke is the cause of many diseases that add pain and misery into the lives of many, including families and friends of victims. For this …


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