
Innate Activity

The TEACCH philosophy refers to physical structure as ‘the way of arranging furniture, materials and general surroundings of the classroom’, (Mesibov & Howey, 2003). In order to reduce the auditory and visual distractions of the classroom adaptation was seen as an …

    The Human Brain

    Over time, computers have developed and therefore proven to be faster, omnipotent and generally more able as opposed to the human brain. We think that this is true, because computers have been programmed to work faster, and calculate faster. However, …

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      Neglect emotions

      For emotions, reasons neglect emotions like anger, fear, frustration and amazement. For example, when you are angry, you will entirely ignore all reason and do whatever is right for you. Emotions have a great impact on our lives which should …

        Death or serious harm

        1. Seek patients’ consent to disclosure of any information wherever possible, whether or not you judge that patients can be identified from the disclosure. 2. Anonymise data where unidentifiable data will serve the purpose. 3. Keep disclosures to the minimum …

          Hospital Management Committee

          ‘I will prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgement and never do anyone harm’. 59 Harm was already inflicted, thus Harvinder being paralysed. In Gold v Haringey HA60, the Court of Appeal …

            Respect patient autonomy

            ‘The English courts only pretend to respect patient autonomy. In any difficult case, the judges prefer the doctors’ judgement of the patient’s best interests. ‘ Discuss. Self governance or autonomy fundamentally depends on capacity to make ones own decisions. Mentally …

              Information to tell the patient

              How then does the Doctor decide how much information to tell the patient? The American courts state it is what the prudent and reasonable patient would require. 15 English courts however adopted the Bolam test where reasonable medical opinion became …

                Law and Medical Ethics

                In T v. T an abortion and sterilisation was authorised on a 19 year old girl with severe mental disabilities on the grounds that the doctor should be able to proceed with good medical practice if the patient was never …


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