Epidemiology, Mortality and Morbidity

The statistics are all collected through these two methods, mortality rates and morbidity rates. Death certificates and of the health practitioners, the identification and notification of disease. These reports are then published annually for all to see. These statistics are of a high significance to health professionals. With the statistics you can find out through looking at them any rising figures, therefore a rising problem that is then needed to tackle.

It also gives the health professional information such as the age group and gender of the higher figure so they know that that particular group needs targeting and then can give appropriate help and care for that main area of concern. Take the suicide rate in Middlesbrough. In 1993-1994 there were 102 cases in which men died and 62 in which were female.

In 1999-2001 the male rate had decreased to 119 but the female rose to 95. With this in mind I decided that I would identify and tackle the female suicide rate. Looking at the statistics, in 1993/1994 62 women committed suicide, 1997 it was 137, 1998/2000 was 156 and in 1999/2001 eventually dropped to 95. Although there was an eventual drop, the initial rise nearly trebled so I feel this is a significant trend to investigate.

I would promote health and the methods I would use would be early intervention- advice the person to see their GP etc, awareness and looking for significant signs, i. e. self harming and recognition of volunteer groups like the Samaritans. Taboo subjects would also be addressed in females by campaigns for PMT, OCD, and PND. Weekly walk in sessions would be available of all subjects affected with the appropriate person there for support, like councillors; fertility specialists and financial guidance if in debt.

To evaluate that the service has been effective I would check the attendance of the weekly walk in sessions, ask health professionals if awareness has improved, by more of an increase of people seeking medical help, statistical checks of the mortality rate, asking the person in question about how they feel etc and also checking that persons appearance etc, if they start to improve on how they look by wearing makeup and generally making an effort in the way they look.


Barker and Rose 1984 HEALTH PROMOTION. DISCIPLINES, DIVERSITY AND DEVELOPMENTS. Second edition edited By R. Bunton and G macdonald. Published By Routledge, London

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