English Bias Summary

Fox News discusses whether or not the U. S government has control of the outbreak. In relation to the man from Liberia that died in Dallas, one reporter stated that just being from Liberia should have been a red flag. She continued on to say that he should have had a sign on his forehead saying that he has Ebola just because he was from Liberia. Just because one is from a certain country does not mean that they have automatically contracted the disease.

Another article that was biased towards the situation was NBC News: Inside Ebola Quarantine. A Christian missionary from North Carolina had established a quarantine stemming from an outbreak in Africa. The carriers were secluded in 5 RV’s, but nobody would disclose any information regarding those quarantined because they did not want to cause public anxiety. Now why would they not want us to know about that? If the truth were told, the public would be under the impression that the government does not have anything under control. In order for us to maintain the thought that our government is handling the situation, we must be uninformed of certain instances, such as this.

On the neutral side, NBC News had a video 1 with the director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In the statement he was making, he just stated facts about the progress they have made and what they are doing to try to harness any further outbreaks in the U. S. He covered how the U. S. is prepared at the airports for anyone or anything coming in that may have been in contact with the virus.

With the current screenings emplaced, they have curtailed 77 people that have the virus from boarding airlines, and 17 in the month of September alone. The only way to get the full story on something is to reach out to multiple media outlets. Bias and opinions in the media are rampant and utilizing just one source will only give you a one sided opinion. Multiple sources result in multiple points of view. With multiple points of view, I am able to gather details from all angles and establish educated information on a particular topic.

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