Employee wellness program at The Wrights

The purpose of this report is to determine whether or not it would be feasible to institute an employee wellness program at The Wrights. The objective of the wellness program is to encourage employees to participate in physical fitness programs and health prevention programs, including nutrition and mental health. Current work and home schedules prevent employees from exercising sufficiently. Health insurance policies focus on curing illnesses rather than preventing them.

Medical research has proven that healthy choices can prevent many diseases. The current system has resulted in steeply increasing group health insurance costs (Brisbin 152). Implementing corporate wellness and fitness programs will improve the health of workers. Companies that have implemented wellness programs have experienced major benefits, from lower health care costs and reduced absenteeism, to greater productivity, morale and a positive return on investment. The most important benefit is healthier, happier lives for workers. Although, The Wrights is a small design house, having a wellness program would be an asset to the company.

Employee wellness programs can vary in scope and cost. Developing the right wellness program and adapting it successfully to bring about the lifestyle changes necessary to improve health, productivity, and fewer health insurance can be challenging. Many companies turn to the Wellness Institute when they need wellness programs. The Wrights can use the Wellness Institute to implement a wellness program that would maximize benefits for the company (Odonnell).

Any business whether it is big or small that wants to supercharge its workplace would be well advised to have a wellness program. Although The Wrights is a small business, where health insurance isn’t a big issue; absenteeism and productivity are significant concerns to the company. Since we are a small company with only about six employees, and if two are out, we have just lost 33% of your workforce. A small business has an inherent advantage when it comes to instituting effective wellness programs. The smaller the employee count, the easier it is to change the workplace culture. There are many cost effective measures that are affordable for The Wrights. The health and happiness of employees has a direct impact on the company’s financial health.


The purpose of this report is to conduct a feasibility study for The Wrights on the need for, and the benefits to be expected from, instituting an employee wellness program. The goal of the wellness program is to encourage employees to take part in fitness and health promotion programs.


Due to current work hours and home schedules employees are prevented from exercising sufficiently. On an average work day employees sit at their desk for approximately eight hours and eat junk food. Company insurance premiums are increasing. The Wrights can not afford to have employees absent since the company has a small work force. Factors impacted by a lack of physical activity include heart disease and obesity, which is on the rise. Studies show that physically active people manage stress better, sleep better, and feel better. They are also likelier to be healthier, which means they are absent less often from work. A healthier workforce can produce lower health care costs, better employee morale and lower turnover.


This study was designed to establish the reasons and benefits The Wrights would attain if they were to institute a wellness program. This report includes a description and history of a wellness program, the needs and benefits for this plan, instituting a wellness program, policy changes, and a conclusion which summarizes the benefits, cost and recommended action.


A wellness program for employees is a risk control technique used by employers to promote preventative health care and healthy lifestyles. Wellness, as defined by the National Wellness Institute, is the active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful life (Chenoweth 47). Wellness is a multifaceted idea that incorporates mutually supporting areas of concern promoting the importance of a well rounded wellness philosophy. Intellectual wellness is indicated by self- directed behavior. This behavior includes independent achievements and instinctive skills and abilities. The goal is the achievement of a more satisfying existence (Anderson 35).

A workplace wellness program includes both the employer and employee working together to provide a work environment that is both accessible and supportive of the employee’s well being and encourages employee’s responsible. The purpose of the program is to provide a combination of educational, organizational and environmental activities to encourage employees to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Emotional wellness is an acceptance and awareness of a wide range of feelings for oneself and others. It includes the ability to effectively manage thoughts so that decisions can be made in an integrated manner. An emotionally well person functions separately, yet is aware of personal limitations and the value of seeking interpersonal support (Anderson 54). Physical wellness is the willingness to take time to pursue activities that increase endurance, strength, and flexibility. Occupational wellness is the personal fulfillment and enrichment of one’s experience through work. The occupationally well person has integrated his or her commitment to work into a total lifestyle that is rewarding and that seeks to express personal values through involvement in paid and unpaid activities (Anderson 63).

Wellness programs encourage employees to lead more healthy lifestyles. Often wellness programs include activities such as smoking cessation classes, diet and nutrition counseling, exercise and physical fitness centers and programs, and health education. Lowering future health care costs and a …

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The adoption of health programs for employees by businesses have grown. One reason is the rising cost to the company of health claims. Another reason is better human resource management outcomes in attracting job applicants and retaining employees. Last reason …

In the last two decades and particularly in the 1980s, there has been a growing general tendency for organizations to propose health promotion programs at the worksite. Between 1980 and 1990 the numbers of such programs have become greater in …

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