Emotions are based on perceptions

In every individual there is an innate ability to sense things. These senses could be just a perception, an experience, and a thought made by an individual. At the subatomic level, everything is connected to each other- the tree to the human being, the human being to the rock, the rock to the fruit, the fruit to the air. In the field of science, atoms are frequently explained with the empty space contained in them. Thus, these atoms exist in every individual and the Earth as a whole, connecting humans with the world by energy.

Thus, if we are all connected, our senses are the only way that help us come out of our individual shells and connect to the external forces around us. Thus, the question then leads us to when should trust our senses to give us absolute truth. The journey to find this “truth” has been toiled by man since the earliest of times, and still, man continues to discover the answer. For our senses to guide us in the right direction, we have to train them and govern them with our intellect. Thereafter, imagination, emotion, logic has to balance out to give a perfect equilibrium to our senses.

If our emotion is given preference over the senses, there may be room for inaccurate perceptions, as they are not tangible. Rather, emotions are based on perceptions that take place within an individual. Most individuals are concerned only with their physical and psychological forms, fully entrusting on the external senses instead of emotion. Take a flower, or a crystal, or perhaps a precious stone for example. Some people will realize that there is more than just their physical outer existence in that form- they will be able to see the form in association with serenity, pleasant, peace, and beauty because they will have an affinity with it.

If asked, there will not be a certain use for these life-forms. They would simply be drawn towards it because of its ethereal nature; its form obscures the indwelling spirit to a lesser degree than is the case with other life forms. These examples can portray that humans have the ability to be guided by their senses, and if appropriated to the right way, there will certainly be truth. My brother, for example, is legally blind, and sees with tunnel vision. He sees everything as if looking through a telescope with a sheer black cloth over it.

This difficulty leads him to fall over unfamiliar things such as chairs and books that are lying on the ground, as people with normal vision would be able to see due to peripheral vision. This vision allows for healthy visually capable individuals to see outside the center of gaze. However, though his vision is weak, he has replaced its loss with his other senses; especially strengthening his sense of hearing. This skill is useful in paying attention in class, listening to stories, helping himself and others around him.

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