Embalming and Mr. Jones Meaning

Meaning 1. The purpose of the embalming and restoration of corpse in the United States and Canada is to make the corpse look presentable for viewing. This process helps the grieving see the corpse in a manner of what they used to look like or normality. You could say it is a way of using restorative art on a corpse. Purpose and Audience 2. The chief assumption about Mitford’s readers on the subject embalming would be the readers do not know what goes on during the embalming process. There are many steps to this procedure.

Those steps include injecting, cutting, scrapping, sewing, drilling, patching, filling, painting, and various other steps that will occur during embalming. Method and Structure 2. Mitford did explain the process of embalming and restoration. I found the explanation she gave broke it down to where I could visually see it, which led to me understanding the process. I also believe she did not use the medical terms that could confuse the average person who knows nothing about the process of embalming and restoration.

The main steps in conducting the embalming and restoration process begin with laying the body out in the morgue. The removal of blood is the second step. The embalming fluid is pumped through the arteries of the body. The third step is taking a trocar and inserting into the abdomen and withdrawing the fluid. Those fluids are replaced with cavity fluid. The next step would be the restoration process. This step consists of taking a hypodermic syringe that is loaded with massage cream and fills the hollowed and sunken areas by injection. The application of masking paste and cosmetics will be used to take away blemishes or discoloration.

The corpse will be shaved, washed, and dressed for the viewing pleasure of his guest. The Way to Rainy Mountain Meaning 2. The key point in the statement, “She made long rambling prayers out of suffering and hope, having seen many things,” means to me she had a hard life and she witnessed many things good and bad in her life. She never forgot about her prayer and always hoped for the best. She did this through prayer. The concept of prayer and the connection to the essay is when you have prayer it can help you bring hope and calmness in your life. Purpose and Audience 1. The purpose of Momaday’s writing about his grandmother was to tell the world never to forget their loved ones. You should cherish the unique times you recall you have with them.

I think the purpose of the writing also tried to explain to others to look at the path of life your loved one traveled. The ups and downs that person faced throughout their life. The ancestry of your loved one is unique. You should try to remember where they came from and know the history of your family. It will make you appreciate them even more when they are gone.

Method and Structure 3. The purpose of the comparison in paragraphs 12 – 14 is to look at the comparison between Momaday’s early life as a child and older life as an adult. He recalls his younger years being vibrant and excitement. He also compares how big things looked when he was a young child as to him being older and it all seems to be much smaller. The comparison of how the families performed certain traditions but as time went on the traditions were no longer conducted. Champion of the World Meaning 2. In paragraphs 16 and 17 the statements should not be taken lightly. The actions of lynching, raping of a black woman, slapping a black maid for being forgetful, a black boy being whipped and maimed are all actions that truly did happen.

The actions were about to come to life again if there was not a victory in the fight. The fight between the African American boxer Joe Louis and a white contender had to be won by Joe Louis. The function they serve in Angelou’s narrative are these actions really did happen. In the minds of the African American this was a major accomplishment within their race to have a black champion. Purpose and Audience 2. The author’s purpose in telling this story is to show how people think.

The thought she had of this fight while she was young is different than the thought of the older people who attended this gathering at that time. During her childhood she seen this moment in time as a big step for her race. When we are young we see things to be so much larger than what they really are. In all actuality it was a gathering of people who did not have the capability to listen to the fight. They all gathered at the local store and listened to the victory come about. In her eyes this was huge because this event did not occur every day. So this event would be larger than life to her. Method and Structure 1.

The way Angelou built up suspense in her account of the fight is by not letting us know until the very end of who won the fight. During the reading the way she worded things, it made it sound like Joe Louis was losing at times. Then it was 25 paragraphs into the reading and you read Joe Louis is the winner by the referee holding up Joe Louis’s hand. I was able to predict the winner of the fight when I read paragraph 20. The hits and jabs Joe was giving Carneara led to his contender kissing the canvas. The evidence of the non blocking and bleeding of the eye was another clue Joe was on his way to victory in this fight.

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