Electronic Medical Records Privacy, Confidentiality, Liability

The main purpose of this article is to present the current controversy of utilizing electronic records (EMR) in place of paper records in today’s medical environment. Specifically, the article mentions the pros of an EMR as being; making it easier to share medical information, making access to medical records more fluid, and reducing the overall cost of care delivery. It also mentions the cons such as; loss of privacy, inability to control access to information, and hacking.

The EMR would have a pronounced effect on health care delivery. It would make care delivery less costly since multiple paper documents and repeated tests would not be needed. In addition, patient frustration over filling out similar forms time and time again each time a new provider is used would be alleviated. The information for any particular patient would be shared among all providers so a new provider in the patient’s care system would have the same information as the patient’s primary care physician.

The main fear in the industry due to this technology is protection of privacy. The current [i]system (the article cites the VA system which is already in use) does not control access, it merely monitors it. With no way of managing who has access to what level, the fear is that patients would be less forthcoming with their medical matters and may not seek treatment as often as they might in a private setting. In addition, the embarrassment of certain diseases or symptoms may more than what the patient is willing to bear with an EMR.

The author concludes the article by noting the overwhelming need for an EMR, but mentions that such a solution must include functions to protect privacy and limit access. I do agree with the author, but as a member of the healthcare system, my main concern is cost of care delivery. With the current medical cost trends reaching a 15% year over year increase, I am ok with a little less privacy if the cost trends can be more affordable. As with any good in a free market economy, one must expect to pay for additional features including privacy and complete privacy is not a luxury we as society may be able to continue affording.

The safety of a patient is one of the major concerns in healthcare delivery. It has been assessed that 40,000 to 90,000 fatalities every year result from medical errors (Kohn et al. , 2000). Such mistakes generate undesirable outcomes that …

Electronic medical records are becoming more and more prevalent in the hospital environment. Physicians meet this reality with mixed feelings; they do want the increased availability of patient history, but they also want a system that takes the same amount …

Electronic medical records stores physician’s reports of examinations, surgical procedures, tests, X-rays, and other clinical information that is necessary for taking care of patients. Electronic medical records also provide access to data for research and quality improvement purposes. EMR’s also …

EMR stands for Electronic Medical Records and as the name shows it represents medical records electronically or it can be said that it is the digital format of the medical records. The definition of EMR can be as a system …

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