Electronic medical records

By considering all the facts and figures it is analyzed that both the models that we have selected for the implementation of our study are best suited to our hypothesis as well as they also posses the attributes to perform perfect operation in a centralize distributed environment. Both of these models are the best models for the management system although they certainly have some loop holes and some point of consideration that requires more confinements but they can easily handle a huge volume of data.

Few modifications that were required in the models were indicated that were suitable for our desired objective. These models are basically designed for the collection and management of records and further improvements are needed to solve issues like data redundancies, data abstraction, data mining and data securities but on the whole both of these models can be implemented very easily in to a centralized environment. The basic requirements of these models is the best, robust and strong network connection which is necessary for communication and for performing different other tasks.

The two models that can be used for this study are the provider centered and the consumer centered. The provider centered model will be very much beneficial for the use and connectivity and managing the interfaces between the providers. By using this model we can get the objective of sharing the information of patients among different physicians. No matter to which physician the patient is visiting; this model can get the data from all the medical organizations and physicians and then can collect it in a single data repository.

On the other hand the other model that is consumer centered model provides the privilege of storing their information in medical record bank by their own. This model is bi directional as it can also get the data from the patient him self and the providers can also deposit the information. Conclusion In conclusion we can say that the electronic medical record system is an effective way to compile the data of the patient in a manner that it can be accessed at any time and from any location. This system is quite necessary especially in this age of technological advancements where every thing is going to be digitized.

Increasing ratios in casualties has also given a boost to the development of Electronic Medical Record System. An efficient medical record system not only fulfils the management needs but it also gives a positive gratitude to the patient and governmental bodies. Health care provider can use EMR as their ultimate source to collect patient records. Now what would be the nature of EMR to fulfill all these needs? The answer is quite simple. An EMR should be centralized in order to maintain its integrity and accessibility.

By using a centralize EMR we can easily managed our record through different network mediums as well as it also have the capability to hold a high volume of data as well as it also manage it into an effective and easy to access way for any health service provider. Its network compatibility is also remarkable as the record can be accessed from any location and it can be accessed at any time or any day of the week. This centralized system not only trains physicians in order to have a complete track record of their patient but it also aware the patients about their treatment.

Centralized approach is also useful in a sense that it provides complete data integrity. This centralized system not only reduce the cost as compare to normal document based recording system but it can perform faster in searching then the ordinary document based recording system. By following the centralized approach we have seen that no additional cost is being involved for the betterment of the system of the individual EMR but it only emphasis on strong network connections.

This centralized system also shows the flexibility to maintain any model like provider based o consumer based. Both of the models can easily be utilized by using the centralized approach. After getting all these facts hence our hypothesis has been proved that the centralized approach is the way to build a comprehensive and effective EMR as well as it also plays a major role in the positive development and expansion of it.

Works Cited

Amnon Shabo, Who is afraid of EMR? (2001) www. research. ibm.com/haifa/projects/software/imr/papers/WhosAfraidOfEMRfinal. pdf Accessed December 7, 2008 Amnon Shabo1, Who’s Afraid of Lifetime Electronic Medical Records? http://model. pih. org/electronic_medical_records Accessed December 8, 2008 Barbara A. Gabriel, Physicians practice articles: Technology: Do EMRs make you a better doctor? (2008) http://www. physicianspractice. com/index/fuseaction/articles. details/articleID/1203/page/2. htm Accessed December 6, 2008 Benefits of EMR (2008) http://www. msdc. com/EMR_Benefits. htm Accessed December 7, 2008.

EMR stands for Electronic Medical Records and as the name shows it represents medical records electronically or it can be said that it is the digital format of the medical records. The definition of EMR can be as a system …

Electronic medical records are becoming more and more prevalent in the hospital environment. Physicians meet this reality with mixed feelings; they do want the increased availability of patient history, but they also want a system that takes the same amount …

With the growing role of technology in medical field, and with the growing importance of patient safety and confidentiality in hospitals’ technological environment, more and more firms come to realize the unlimited market potential of EMR software. As a result, …

Electronic medical records stores physician’s reports of examinations, surgical procedures, tests, X-rays, and other clinical information that is necessary for taking care of patients. Electronic medical records also provide access to data for research and quality improvement purposes. EMR’s also …

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