Electronic Medical Records

EMR stands for Electronic Medical Records and as the name shows it represents medical records electronically or it can be said that it is the digital format of the medical records. The definition of EMR can be as a system that holds clinical and medical information database that provides tools for data processing and decision making tools to the professionals associated with the health care system. This is a broad term and it has many systems that come under the category of EMR.

One of such systems is Health Information Technology (HIT) and this technology is used to keep the information regarding medical and health. Traditionally the records of the patients are being kept in written or in documented form but with the passage of time these records are missed and are no longer available. By introducing the concept of EMR the scenario has been totally changed. EMR has opened the ways to many developments in the field of medical records.

If EMR is implemented properly and is developed time by time then obviously it can lead to much advancement in the medical side. EMR has made it possible to avail and see the records that are now a part of history just in a few seconds. If further developments are made then it will be possible to make these records available anywhere and from everywhere. For making it possible it is necessary to centralize the system of EMR. If the scope of the EMR is analyzed then it is very clear that this technology is here to stay for long and it has got many possible developments.

This is an argumentive type of paper and it analyses the importance and developments in the field of EMR. In this paper it is intended to discuss the profits and benefits gained by having EMR. (Hopkins, 1) EMR is simply the digital form or the computerized medical records. The EMR system is paper less and it does not need too much time for writing the records and then preserving it. In United States this system is being implemented because of its many advantages.

More advantages can be taken from EMR if it becomes centralized; it will be a great advancement if the records can be accessed from anywhere and this is the basic purpose or argument of this study. The EMR is very much beneficial for checking the history of the patient and also for processing the health assurance claims. EMR allows making the data and records available just on a single click. These days the issue in EMR is the accessibility of data and the proposal of making the EMR centralized system solves it to the large extent.

EMR not only makes the medical records computerized but due to storage of all the previous records of the patients it also helps in taking extra care of the patients as the physicians and doctors can find out from the history of the patient that what is not suitable for him and what can cause reaction or sensitivity to the particular patient. EMR is making the medical field more advanced and simpler. EMR saves a great deal of time and it also reduces the amount of errors that can take place. For developing the EMR special soft wares are used for entering the records and making large databases of patients’ records. (Pinkerton, 1)

Electronic medical records stores physician’s reports of examinations, surgical procedures, tests, X-rays, and other clinical information that is necessary for taking care of patients. Electronic medical records also provide access to data for research and quality improvement purposes. EMR’s also …

The main purpose of this article is to present the current controversy of utilizing electronic records (EMR) in place of paper records in today’s medical environment. Specifically, the article mentions the pros of an EMR as being; making it easier …

Electronic medical records are becoming more and more prevalent in the hospital environment. Physicians meet this reality with mixed feelings; they do want the increased availability of patient history, but they also want a system that takes the same amount …

Healthcare providers are currently transforming the way information is handled, with major efforts being initiated to implement the infrastructure and applications needed to provide a fully interconnected, complete electronic health record (EHR). In conjunction with efforts to adopt EHRs, hospitals …

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