Effects of using methamphetamines

The effects of methamphetamines as stated above will vary to the one who uses it and the dosage the user intakes. Methamphetamines can be used as drug for weight loss or to prevent the user from getting sleepy, but when it will be abused and become dependent on it, many effects will be seen, and the main part that will be damaged is the nervous system.

Overusing of this drug leads to some adverse effects on the health of the user such as in the cardiovascular system: myocardial infarction (heart attack), cardiomyopathy, tachycardia (more than 100 heart beats per minute), arrhythmia (irregular beating of the heart) and palpitation, myocarditis, and hypertension. One may posses’ psychiatric and neuralgic effects: headache, seizure, and cerebral hemorrhage, and cerebral edema, damage to small blood vessels in the brain, suicidality, delirium, depression or even psychosis.

Another effect would be in the respiratory system when meth is ingested through snorting: dyspnea (irregular breathing), bronchitis (an inflammation in the bronchus), pleuritic chest pain, asthma and pulmonary hypertension. According to the book entitled The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment; “Methamphetamine-associated psychiatric impairment may be cognitive, intellectual or affective, this impairment might be acute or delayed or protracted” (Galavter, Kleber 170).

The effect of using meth could be in the family of the user, when the user is dependent or become addicted, the user finds ways to provide what he wants, the user will become violent, irritable, confused and even anxiety, paranoia and tremors and worst become psychotic which would now be a family problem.

As the dosage of the user becomes higher the effect would be more complicated and may be become permanent or the person may be stroked or even the cause of his death. According to the book of Sandra Rasmussen “because methamphetamine elevates mood, people who experiment with it tend to use it with increasing frequency and in increasingly higher doses, euphoria and physical activity escalate” (Rasmussan 52).

Methamphetamine can be made easily, reports and authorities found methamphetamine labs in car trunks or even at homes such like in the oven, small rooms or at mobile homes wherein even users can make their own to provide their eagerness …

One way of treating a drug addict is by psychotherapy since the brain is the target of methamphetamine and since one of the effects is in its mood and emotion. According to Milton on his book entitled Crystal Meth and …

The roots of my problems were seeded deeply in an addiction to a substance known as methamphetamine (meth, speed, crank, dope) that can be debilitating for the body. My body was in a state of crippling depression and anxiety. I …

Crystal Methamphetamine was invented in 1887. During WW-II it was widely used by both sides, The Allies and The Axis . Biker gangs in America manufactured and distributed water soluble (injectable) meth throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s. Mexican cartels opened …

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