Effects of healthcare assistance provided by NGO’s

Although the NGO’s who helped during the war years were a bit short in funds, they were still able to gain at least the best of what they have, providing the refugees with the best healthcare they could give for them. As a result the ones in the refugee camps have been taken care of and the malnutrition dilemma have been in many ways controlled with concerns to the population who stayed under the NGO’s care. As of the years that followed after the war up to this present time, NGO’s still try to help in the further recovery developments that has to be done in the areas in Iraq affected by the war.

Yes, the NGO’s became a real big help during the most devastating times of the Kurdish “war-generation. ” In times of hardships, people would be able to know the people who would really care for their needs and their welfare. Usually, these people do not belong to the political sector of the community. Instead, they are the people around who would simply want to voluntarily help their fellowmen. In line with this, it is very important then for everyone to recognize the importance of having Non-Government Organizations around especially in times of most troubled situations in the community.

HOW the Government Sees the Importance of Healthcare to the Overall Development of the Society Today, the election candidates are focused on the issues of social health and how they should be given the ample attention that they need from the government administration. Health…this word has alarmed and is still alarming a lot of communities in the whole world today. The break down of many health programs provided by the governments has affected so many people around the globe and thus causing so many problems in the entire humanity.

The American society is considered to be among the most advanced countries when it comes to industrialization and economy. On the other hand, although living in a high tech world, the American Society itself has been proven guilty of providing the necessary health care its people need. Consequently, world reports about this failure remain to leave spots of arguments as to who should be able to avail of nation health insurance programs provided by the American government? Should they be the ones who are receiving ample amount of income every month or every year, or should it be everybody in the community?

The Importance of Health Regardless of Income “Health is Wealth” they say. Yet, many people still disregard the fact that each person should take care of his own self. Consider too the fact that there are some governments who overlooks their health care responsibilities to the public they promised to take care of during their campaigns. (Andereck, Modest Proposal…) This responsibility is a very important part in keeping the people capable of working for and with the state.

“Healthy people makes a progressive country”, claims a writer as he observes the economic downfall of his poor country due to the lack of capability of the government to provide necessary medication for its people. In the American society though, there are several national programs which are designed to support the American health care. Among the said programs are the American Health Insurance Program, and the National Health insurance Program. These two government arrangements for the American population have been proven effective for the years of its existence.

For a fact, the beneficiaries of these programs express their gratitude to the government because of the big help it gives them. Who are the beneficiaries? Most likely, these people are the ones who are employees of a certain company affiliated with the program. Others may comprise of ordinary citizens who are given special provisions by the government to receive special medical treatments at that. Today, these programs give provisions to over two million population of the American Society. But are this all the provisions the government could give?

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