Effects of Cytomegalovirus

CMV- also known as cytomegalovirus is one of the largest forms of herpes viruses that infects most people in some part of there life. Most of these infections are harmless, but can be extremely problematic in some cases. Transmission of this virus from pregnant woman to the unborn can cause permanent disabilities, and will weaken the immune system and can cause serious disease. Type of microbe: DNA virus belonging to the herpes virus family How this disease spreads, CMV is mostly spread through body fluids, including saliva, tears, blood, urine, semen, and vaginal fluids.

Pregnant women can pass this virus to there unborn babies either during pregnancy or by birth. Infection with CMV is a lifelong, however, the virus is only spread during initial infection, and most people do not show any symptoms of an infection. Who is at risk: Almost all people will become infected at some time in there life, but young kids are more likely to transmit CMV than an older adult. Pregnant women, who are most often infected after contact with saliva or urine of young children, can pass CMV to there fetuses in during pregnancy. Children born with congenital CMV infections are at risk for developing permanent disabilities.

People with weakened immune systems are also more at risk for more severe disease. This disease affects more than 100 adults in the United States, by the time they are 40 years old. About 1 of every 5 children born with this disease will develop permanent problems such as hearing loss or developmental disabilities due to the infection. Some signs and Symptoms of CMV infection that may be present at birth •Premature birth•Liver problems •Lung problems •Spleen problems •Small size at birth •Small head size •Seizures Permanent health problems or disabilities due to congenital CMV infection

•Hearing loss •Vision loss •Mental disability •Small head size•Lack of coordination •Seizures •Death (in rare cases) Preventing CMV infection: CMV infection in healthy people is a common thing it typically causes no symptoms but prevention are not necessary for most groups. Pregnant women want to take the necessary steps in order to reduce the risk of exposure to this disease and reduce the risk of transmitting it to the child or unborn child. Here are some helpful tips to avoid exposure to this disease. Wash your hands often with soap and water leaving them under there for about 15-20 sec.

Do not share food or drinks with anyone including young children Do not share a toothbrush with anyone Avoid contact with saliva when kissing your kids. Clean toys, countertops, and other surfaces that are exposed to anyone. Conclusion So in conclusion, please take precautions in your everyday life and routines, especially if you are pregnant, or someone around you is pregnant, or if you have children, so as not to contract the virus and if you have the virus or think you may have it please take extra precautions as not to pass it on.

References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://www. cdc. gov/cmv/index. html.

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