Effects of Coffee on a Person’s Body

We all enjoy the aroma of brewed coffee and look forward to taking a cup of coffee during cold mornings. It leaves us all warm and relaxed inside providing the impetus to start the day. Coffee is the most preferred stimulant and most people associate it with alertness and quick metal awareness especially when one has not had enough sleep. People prefer their coffee in different quantities; while to some people a single cup of coffee in enough to last a day others do not seem to mind unlimited amounts, the more they take they more fulfilled and alert they become.

Where people may enjoy taking coffee, very few are aware of the likely effects that it can have on their bodies. Every individual has an obligation to take care of his or her body, the existing research has pointed out that most of the human health problems lie in the types of food and drinks they take, the quality and quantity. That fast food joint food people visit on their way from work may be the source of their future complications. Likewise, coffee can also be harmful to the body when taken in large quantities, the effects it has on the body also depends on the strength and type.

It is agreeable that the health effects of coffee remain difficult to decipher. This can only be done through a critical analysis of the chemical composition of coffee. Coffee contains various chemical compounds which may vary from one type of a bean to the other and also from the various approaches in its growing and brewing. The major component however is alkaloid caffeine which simply is a natural substance that is found in most stimulant drinks. A cup of coffee may contain more than 50 mg of caffeine; this however may vary depending on the strength.

Caffeine and its effects in the body remain one of the most researched topics. The effect of caffeine vary from one individual to another, they are those that can take several cups and notice no negative effects while to others, negative effects are felt once they take a cupful (Margaret 420) Despite the insistence over time on the negative effects of coffee on the body, few have managed to drop the habit. They are convinced that coffee is good for their bodies judging from the immediate and rapid results exhibited especially on increased alertness.

This is indeed true. In additional to increasing alertness, coffee has been found to have other positive effects on the body. It elevates short-term recall; the existing research has it that those that regularly take coffee exhibit higher cognitive performance. (Jarvis 46) It is hence understandable why it remains a favorite drink to millions worldwide. In addition to this stimulating effect, coffee has been found to decrease considerably the likelihood of having the Parkinson’s disease in men.

Indeed as was concluded in a research conducted in Honolulu, “age adjusted incidence of Parkinson disease dropped dramatically, from 10. 4 per 10, 000 man years in men who drank no coffee to 1. 9 per 10,000 man years in men who drank over 28 ounces. ” (Weinberg & Bealer 340) Indeed with such statistics, taking coffee is likely to remain an inviting prospect and consequently gripping millions into addiction. However, the benefits of coffee do not stretch far; beyond these positive effects are strings of negative effects that would encourage millions to quit.

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