Effects of Anorexia to the Body

Observing an anorexic patient, one can easily conclude that they are silly or selfish for choosing to undergo such a terrible way of living. Even the parents of these victims are sometimes held responsible and accused for presumably the wrong upbringing of their child or children. However, even psychologists discourage this way of thinking as this would hinder the way to recovery. Most experts still believe in the power of acceptance and forgiveness as the source of cure for this mental battle, coupled with proper treatment, counseling not only for the patient but for the family members as well, and the existence of support groups.

The physiological effect of anorexia to a person’s body is simply unbearable. The brain for example, cannot function properly as the patient is often moody, confused, and would sometimes faint to name a few. The hair also gets thin and brittle due to the lack of nutrients to support the body. The internal organs also malfunction which often result to anemia, swollen muscles, kidney failure, constipation, and hormonal imbalance. The skin is dry, yellowish, bruises and gets cold easily (Frequently Asked Questions: Anorexia Nervosa). Famous People with Eating Disorders

It is somewhat ironic that some people who suffer from anorexia try to imitate the looks of their celebrity idols whose lives are seemingly perfect onscreen. However even in the early 70’s, many were shocked to learn that even the most famous movie stars are not spared by the struggles of having to go through the sufferings brought by an eating disorder. To some this may no longer come as a surprise since celebrities are more prone to the pressure of having to please their fans and the whole movie industry when it comes to looking slender and beautiful.

One of these celebrities who publicly declared her secret illness was Jane Fonda. Onscreen she was a beautiful actress, activist, athlete, wife and mother. It is quite amazing how she managed to put her life together after being struck by bulimia because of the pressures of Hollywood. Another celebrity was Tracy Gold from the successful TV sitcom, “Growing Pains. ” Who would ever have thought that a straight A student like her would one day be outsmarted by both anorexia and bulimia nervosa which could have cost her life.

Good thing her family and friends were there to support her otherwise the disease could have just thrown everything away. The whole world was shocked when Princess Diana became open about her bulimia nervosa. People were almost convinced that her royal marriage to Prince Charles was a match made in heaven. Unfortunately this same marriage which eventually led to divorce was also seen to be one of the causes of Princess Diana’s eating disorder (Famous People With Eating Disorders).

While Princess Diana died in a car accident and not from her eating disorder (from which she eventually recovered and used it as a tool in helping other women cope with eating disorder), one of the famous celebrities who met a tragic death with eating disorder was Karen Carpenter. The Carpenters were famous all over the world and up to this day, no one has ever matched the sweet singing voice of Karen Carpenter. Karen suffered from anorexia nervosa and in her thirties, died from its complications in February 4, 1983. She suffered from heart failure which eventually led to cardiac arrest.

This talented beauty’s untimely death raised more awareness for the treatment of eating disorders especially among women (Eating Disorders: Mental Health Condition). Conclusion Eating disorders are what most people would believe as wretched and treacherous to one’s life. Life is meant to be worthwhile and it can only be so if this is celebrated with honesty to oneself despite all the imperfections. After all, no one is perfect and even the almost perfect individual sometimes cannot declare himself or herself as happy.

That is because happiness comes not only from satisfying oneself but in doing good to others, to nature and to everything that is basically part of life. Perhaps the lesson that we can get from people who have eating disorders is for us to learn not only to be aware but to be more open to understanding and supporting them. Who knows what really goes on inside the mind of a person with eating disorder? What unimaginably crippling terror is causing all the suffering and fear that could anytime take his or her life if no one would be there to serve as a guide?

Instead of blaming others for such misfortunes, perhaps it would be better if one has to think twice and ask, why is it that she cannot see how thin she has become? How slowly her body is deteriorating yet she refuses to eat? What can I do to make her see that? And if a particular person is lucky enough to realize that her own life is meant to fill the limitations of others, the chances for surviving all disorders are definitely endless.


Merriam-Webster Online. 2007-2008. Retrieved 30 November 2008 at http://medical. merriam-webster. com/medical /eating%20disorder Mental Health: Bulimia Nervosa July 1, 2008. Retrieved 30 November 2008 at http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/bulimia/DS00607/DSECTION=symptoms Frequently Asked Questions: Anorexia Nervosa July 1, 2006. Retrieved 30 November 2008 at http://www. womenshealth. gov/faq/anorexia-nervosa. cfm Famous People with Bulimia 2000. Retrieved 30 November 2008 at http://womensissues. about. com/library/eating/bledsigns. htm Delahunt, J. August 25, 2008. Eating Disorders: Mental Health Condition. Retrieved 30 November 2008 at http://eatingdisorders. suite101. com/article. cfm/eating_disorders_the_umbrella_term

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