Effectiveness of APRC programs

APRC programs are effective since they deal with the root cause of drug and substance abuse in the target clients. For instance, APRC provides extensive training, effective planning and evaluation of the services offered in the facility. Training ensures that target clients understand their etiology so that they can concentrate towards their well being. On the other hand, proper planning ensures that all necessary steps are followed in the course of prevention and treatment of drug and abuse treatment.

According to Guadalupe, a student assistant at the APRC, the facility is recognized in Arizona as a drug and substance abuse prevention centre because of its key role. For instance Guadalupe asserts that Arizona has been able to fight 74% of drug and substance abuse in the region owing to the establishment of APRC. Below is a graphical representation; Variable 01 Variable 02 30% 70% Key 1- Growth difference 2- Actual effectiveness of APRC programs Evaluation and monitoring of APRC’s services is important in ensuring that eminent problems are countered on time for the effectiveness of its programs.

Studies show that, the reason why many drug and substance abuse prevention facilities don’t work is because they lack proper evaluation and monitoring of their preventive and treatment programs (Carey, Henson, Carey & Maisto, 2007). Theoretical explanation of the success of APRC This study found out that APRC makes use of various theories which are integral in understanding the etiology of drug and substance abuse prevention and treatment. For example APRC acknowledges that drug and substance abuse prevention and treatment should use an interaction approach towards the etiology, prevention and treatment of drug and substance abuse.

Drug and substance addiction is as a result of multiple casualties within a person and unless such causalities are addressed the prevention and treatment of drug and substance abuse may not be effective (Carey, Henson, Carey & Maisto, 2007). According to Guadalupe, APRC puts into consideration both the short and long term precipitating and predisposing factors in drug and substance abuse. For example, if drugs were not available to affected communities then, there would not be cases of drug an substance abuse (Versland & Rosenberg, 2007).

With that in mind, it is apparent that the government has a big role to play in bringing the culprits of the sale of harmful drugs to the general society. APRC does not work by itself per se but it integrates its efforts with the society, other drug rehabilitation bodies and other governmental bodies. According to Guadalupe, Arizona is well developed economically and that perhaps may explain the reason why drug and substance addiction may be higher compared to other areas which are less developed like Arizona.

In this light, it is important to developing behavioral, social economic and familial criteria’s in effectively dealing the drug and substance abuse (Versland & Rosenberg, 2007). APRC employs the use of various theories in ensuring the effectiveness of drug and abuse for example personality deficiency theories, disruptive environment theory, addiction to pleasure theory, metabolic deficiency perspective to mention a few.

According to Guadalupe, the various theories employed in the prevention and treatment of drug and substance abuse by APRC help in ascertaining the root causes of drug addiction and effectively provide the right mode of therapy. For example, incases of individuals who have illnesses which call for treatment using drug substances like opiates or sedatives have use such drugs under supervision. On the other hand, APRC takes charge in disseminating knowledge to students and other target communities of the importance to take any addictive medication or substance under controlled doses to avoid instances of addiction.

Reference list Carey KB, Henson JA, Carey MP & Maisto SA. (2007). Which heavy drinking college students benefit from a brief motivational intervention? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 75(4): 663-669 Versland A & Rosenberg H. (2007). Effect of brief imagery interventions on craving in college student smokers. Addiction Research & Theory 15(2): 177-187. Interviews Guadalupe Fernandez, (2009). Student Assistant. Arizona Prevention Resource Center (APRC).

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