Effect Of Exercise On Anxiety And Depression

Man goes through life with so many responsibilities, expectations, obligations and experiences. What he takes upon himself and/or as imposed on him, makes him bear them that will lead him to positive or negative reactions. The general ability of man to achieve satisfaction, contentment, self-actualization or conversely, anxiety, depression, regrets will define the state of his psychological well being. His psychological well being will therefore be either positive or negative.

A greater degree of the positive over the negative makes him happier. (Bradburn, 1969). To be happy, man wants to be at the fullest of his potentials and therefore accomplished. He wants to be loved, respected, cared for, protected, safe, successful and happy. Civilization has evolved with so many modern social circumstances and technological advancement. And there are other issues of environment, economics, politics and society that contribute to the dilemma of life in this modern day and age.

Interrelations have become demanding and complicated. All of the factors that come with modernity put pressure on man to achieve the better of his psychological well being. (Weinberg & Gould, 2007) And if struggles come along to achieve psychological wellbeing, he will have to look for cure, for a diversion, for an escape, for a panacea. Exercise as a Physical Activity It is indulging in the rigors of physical action that is disciplined and calculated that man may opt to subject his body, which will redound to psychological wellness.

Exercise is a classification of physical activity that is intentional to achieve fitness and health in mind and body. The physical activity of exercise can strengthen muscles; strengthen the cardiovascular system; improve athletic skills; attain weight loss; avoid heart and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is performed to improve bodily functions, health, fitness, appearance and emotional relaxation. It involves movements and activities. With the right dose, right intensity, right frequency, it generally has positive outcomes.

(Brown, Miller & Eason, 2006, p. 14) Exercises are activities of flexibility for improving the muscular and joint motions. There are three major types of exercises. They can be aerobic. Aerobic exercise a “allows an adequate supply of oxygen to reach the muscles during the workout. ” For example, swimming, walking, running, cycling, rowing, hiking. It sustains wellness and efficiency of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The heartbeat is quickened for a sustained period. Exercises can also be anaerobic. These exercises are more intense.

These are also explosive, strenuous activity. They can make a person gasp for breath. Anaerobic exercises are conducted only within short periods of time – just within minutes. The time limit is in consideration of the individual’s level of glycogen sugar that is the fastest to be burned during anaerobic exercises. A total burnout of glycogen can result to intense muscle fatigue. At the right period of time and right intensity, this kind of exercise is a perfect muscle toner. Anaerobic exercises are like weight training; weight lifting; or full speed sprinting.

This kind of exercise results to the remarkable development of a person’s power, strength, speed and it builds the much adored biceps and triceps. The Mr. Universe physique quality redounds to self-appreciation and self-esteem. There are also exercises that are geared towards skill development. In such activity, the total flexibility, sense of balance and coordination of a person is worked out and achieved. Skills development exercise contributes to the equal toning of the body and the mind. Example of skill development exercises are golf, tennis, yoga, tai chi.

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