Ebolais anuncommon and dangerous illness created byinfectionwith a strain ofEbolainfection. The 2014 Ebola plague is the biggest ever, influencing numerous nations in West Africa. The Ebola infection passes from individual to individual through immediate contact with the blood, discharges or other natural liquids of an infected individual, or from contact with infectious needles or other equipment in the environment. Individuals remain infectious as long as their blood and discharges contain the virus, a period that has been reported to be as long as 61 days afteronsetofillness.
The infectionistransmitted fromnaturallife to individualsthroughcontact with infectious fruit bats, or through intermediate hosts, for example, monkeys, chimps, or pigs thathave themselvesgetto be infected throughcontactwith bat spit orfaeces. Atthe pointwhen considering the analysis of EVD, other, more regular infections ought not be disregarded; for instance, intestinal sickness, typhoid fever, shigellosis, cholera, leptospirosis, plague, rickettsiosis, relapsing fever, meningitis, hepatitis and other viral haemorrhagic fevers. A little number ofsuspected cases and deathshas additionallybeenaccounted forfromneighboring nations with every one of them having crossed from Guinea.
Most recent data on suspected and affirmed cases and deaths shows that genus Ebolavirus is one of three members of the Filoviridae family (filovirus), alongside genus Marburgvirus and genus Cuevavirus. Genus Ebolavirus contains five distinct species: Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BDBV); Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV); Reston ebolavirus (RESTV); Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV); and Tai Backwoods ebolavirus (TAFV). Ebola has a case casualty rate of up to 90%, is an extreme intense viral disease regularly described by the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache, nausea and sore throat.
(“Ebola Virus Disease: Background and Summary. ” World Health Organization. © WHO 2014, 3 Apr. 2014. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. ) Although, the lack of awareness in Africa have lead to the spread of this life-threatening virus throughout the world. U. S. governmentshould provideawarenessofEbola bysendinga fewAmericandoctorsto other nations like Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone etc. The U. S. government should also not let in the infected immigrants and also should open well-developed hospital near international airports. Support and source 1:
Ebola has spread in US also because of the individuals travelling globally. For Ex: 1. OnOct. 23, 2014 theNewYork CityDepartmentofHealthand MentalHygiene reported an instance ofEbolaina medicinalhelp specialistwho had come back to New York Cityfrom Guinea, where the medicalaid workershad served withDoctorsWithout Borders. Thefinding was affirmed by CDC on October 24. The patient has recouped and was released from Bellevue Hospital Center on November 11. (“Cases of Ebola Diagnosed in the United States. ” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 08 Nov.2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. ).
2. Furthermore, on Oct. 10, 2014 a healthcare worker at Texas Presbyterian Hospital who gave forethoughtto therecord patient wentto US fromLiberia tested positive forEbola. The healthcare worker was isolated after the initial report of a fever and hence moved to the National Institutes forHealth (NIH) ClinicalCenter. Thepatient has since recovered and was released on October 24. (“Cases of Ebola Diagnosed in the United States. ” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 08 Nov. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. ) Support and source 2:
Ebola can’tbe treated so ought to be prevented. CDC has issued a Health AlertNotice reminding U. S. healthcare workersaboutthe essentialnessofmakingmoves to keep the spread ofthis infection, howto testand isolate patients withsuspected cases, and howto secure themselves from infection. (Krilich, Chad. Personal Interview. 30 Oct. 2014. ) In addition, CDC has staff working all day, every day at 20 Border Health field offices located in international airports and land borders. CDC staff are prepared every minute of every day to research instances of sick voyagers onplanesand boatsenteringthe United States.
CDC works with partnersatallportsof entrance into the United States to help keep irresistible infections from being presented and spread in the United States. CDC works with Customs and Border Protection, U. S. Department ofAgriculture, U. S. Coast Guard, U. S. Fishand WildlifeServices, stateand localhealth departments, and localEmergencyMedical Services staff. (“2014 WestAfrica Outbreak. ” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Department of Health and Human Services, n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. ) Support and source 3: A startling story behind the visit of Thomas Eric Duncan to U. S. from West Africa.
According to a statement issued bythe lawofficesofMillerWeisbrod, Duncan’s familywillhold a press conference on Wednesday morning “regarding a resolution they have reached on behalf of the childrenand parentsofthe deceased with Texas Health Resourcesand allrelated entities,” as WFAA8 reported. Ina statement, thehospitalsaid he wasdealt”withthe same high level of attentionand carethatwould be given anypatient, regardless ofnationalityor abilityto payfor care. “Yet the hospitaladditionallyrecognized thatit neglected to appropriatelydiagnose Duncan whenhe initiallyshowed up and neglected to convey to specialists the waythathe had beenin Liberia.
WhenThomas Eric Duncanwasdiagnosed with Ebola atTexasPresbyterianHospitalin Dallas onSeptember. TalkingaboutDuncan, he did include:”I simplycanhardlyimagine how he was deliberately treated in a less well manner than others. ” After Duncan’s passing, Texas Presbyterian? defended? its? care.? “Furthermore? that? is? what’s? truly? harming? me? the? most:? …?? They? treated him the way they did as a result of the shade of [his] skin. ” He included: “You stand a chance incase you’rewhite, yet notincase you’re dark. “AfterDuncan passed on, talk of legitimate activity came very nearly quickly.
Presently, in the wake of claiming that Texas Presbyterian had not done right by Duncan, his family has arrived at what its lawyers called a “resolution” with the health-care facility. (“Ebola? Victim? Thomas? Eric? Duncan’s? Family? Has? Settled with Dallas Hospital. “Washington Post. The Washington Post, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. ) Opposing View 1: Travel ban will not help keep the Ebola out of the U. S. 1. “You? can? stop? the? flights,? but? you? can’t? stop? the? people? from? coming,? because? people? will? find? a? way? out,”? Stevens? said.? “Even? if? you? say,? ‘Close? the?borders,’? people? know? back? roads and ways to get out of the country. And remember, some have dual and even triple nationality? and? passports.?
I? have? two? passports.? There’s? no? way? you? can? isolate? yourself. ”? “Iftravelrestrictions wereinplace, travelers who felt illmight be less apt to reporttheir symptoms, said StephenS. Morse, a ColumbiaUniversityepidemiologyprofessor. ” (Bentley, Rosalind. “Would Travel Ban Help Keep Ebola out of U. S.? ” The Seattle Times. Copyright ©2014 The Seattle Times, n. d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014) 2. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif. ) — Waxman said Oct.
16, “The ban doesn’t make sense because that’s notthe biggest problemwe need to dealwith, keeping peoplefrom traveling. We’ve got to stop the epidemic bytakingsteps to identifythe people with Ebola, isolate them, find thepeople who have beenexposed to them, and track themvery carefully, whetherthat’sinAfrica or intheUnited States. “(“List:LawmakersBacking Travel Ban. ” TheHill. ©2014 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp. , n. d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014) 3. Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt. ) — Welch said Oct. 16, “Congress is now apparently made up of 435 doctors. We ought to be taking the advice of the medical community.
… And the medicalcommunityincludingDoctorsWithout Bordersare much moreinfavorof restrictions and monitoringasbeingmoreeffective thana ban, which haspsychological appealbut, byexperience, doesn’twork as well. “(“List:Lawmakers BackingTravel Ban. ” TheHill. ©2014 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp. , n. d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014) 4. “A travel ban was never adopted in the 2003 SARS outbreak, which started in Asia, although it affected about 8,000 people worldwide, killing 774 of them. In that case, the World Health Organization issued a travel advisory, Dr. Markel said. ” (Mouawad, Jad.”Experts Oppose Ebola Travel Ban, Saying It Would Cut Off Worst-Hit Countries. ” The New York Times.
The New York Times, 17 Oct. 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. ) Rebuttal of Opposing View 1: Travel ban will help keep the Ebola out of the U. S. 1. “Banning? air? travel? until? the? world? gets? control? of? this? outbreak,? that’s? got? to? be? policy? or? the virus will spread around the world,”? said? Kipp? Branch,? director? of? the? medicines? programatMAP International, a Brunswick, Ga. , nonprofitthathassent$12 million worth of protective suits and medical supplies to West Africa. 2. “Prohibiting? travel?to? the?
United? States? for? individuals? traveling from or through Liberia would? greatly? reduce? the? risk? to? the? public,”? Marchant? said? in? a? letter? to? House? Speaker? John Boehner. 3. “The? problem? with? that? approach? is? that? it? makes? it? extremely? difficult? to? respond? to? the? outbreak. It makes it hard to get health? workers? in? because? they? can’t? get? out,”? Frieden? said.? “If? we? make? it? harder? to? respond? to? the? outbreak? in? West? Africa,? it? will? spread? not? onlyinthosethree countries butto otherpartsofAfrica, and willultimatelyincrease the risk? here. ”?
(Bentley, Rosalind. “Would Travel Ban Help Keep Ebola out of U. S.? ” The Seattle Times. Copyright ©2014 The Seattle Times, n. d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014) [for all three]. Opposing View 2: Returning medical workers should not be quarantined. 1. “Returning health workers are exceptional people who are giving of themselves for humanity,” said Ban’s spokesman, Stephane Dujarric. “They should not be subjected to restrictions that are not based on science. Those who develop infections should be supported, not stigmatized. ” (“Dozens Of Volunteers Have Come Back Safe From Ebola Hot Zone – NBC News. ” NBC News. N. p., 13 Nov. 2014. Web. 13 Nov. 2014. )
2. The Supreme Court perceived freedom of movement as a fundamental Constitutional right. Freedom of movement is defined as “right of free ingress into other States, and egress from them. ” Thus, a medical workers have the full right to move around and they can’t be locked in one room without their consent. (“Freedom of Movement under United States Law. ” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Oct. 2014. Web. 13 Nov. 2014. ) Rebuttal of Opposing View 2:
Returning medical workers should be quarantined. 1. A look at the numbers from groups such as Doctors Without Borders and the International Medical Corps shows just about 150 people have gone to help fight the epidemic in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Of them, 47 have returned symptom-free. So, this shows that there are more than 50% chances of getting symptoms. (“Dozens Of Volunteers Have Come Back Safe From Ebola Hot Zone – NBC News. ” NBC News. N. p. , 13 Nov. 2014. Web. 13 Nov. 2014. ) 2. “In return from being allowed to come back into the country from a place where a deadly disease is endemic, you’d have to enter a quarantine facility and be supervised for 21 days,” the Maryland Republican told CNN.
(Botelho, Greg, and Elizabeth Cohen. “Should Health Care Workers Who Treat Ebola in Africa Be Quarantined? ” CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 13 Nov. 2014. ) 3. “It makes it hard to get health workers in, because they can’t get out,” CDC director Dr. TomFriedensaid. “Ifwe makeitharderto respond to the outbreak inWestAfrica, itwill spread notonly inthose three countries (inWestAfrica hithardestbyEbola) butto other parts of Africa and ultimately increase the risk here” in the United States. (Botelho, Greg. “Should Health Care Workers Who Treat Ebola in Africa Be Quarantined? ” CNN.
Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 13 Nov. 2014. ) Compromise: U. S. government ought to confine infected immigrants to enter on the other hand, returned medical workers ought to be given their rights and let them volunteer for the quarantine. Conclusion: The 2014 Ebola scourge is the biggest ever, influencing various nations in West Africa. The absence ofawareness inAfrica have lead to thespread of thislife-threateninginfectionall throughtheworld. U. S. governmentshould appreciatethe effortofmedical workersdone in West Africa rather than quarantining and also should confine the immigration.