Ebola Final

Becoming sick is a standard phenomenon in the human experience. Often sickness is due to infection caused by a virus. Viruses are found in all part of the world and affect nearly every type of organism. Some viruses are very dangerous and draw fear and familiarity with just the mention of its name. Ebola is such a virus.

According to the Center for Disease Control, the virus Ebola a result of mans interaction with the rainforest (CDC, 2014). Such interaction is caused by man’s intrusion and destruction of the rainforest. Some experts make the assertion that if man would never had disturbed certain rainforest the Ebola virus would have continued its lifecycles only in remote parts of the world (Geographic Information Systems, 2014). Ebola is categorized as an infectious disease.

The major distinction is that it is caused by microbes and it has the ability to spread. At times, infectious viruses can lead to an outbreak or an epidemic. These situations come about when there are more cases of a particular disease than expected in a given area or within a group of people, over a specific span of time. When considering an “epidemic”, experts create analysis based on an Epidemiological Triangle.

The Epidemiological Triangle allows for a disease’s roots to be identified. The first identification is the Agent; this is the actual microbe that causes the disease. The second is the host, or the organism that houses the agent. The final point is the Environment, or external factors that allow for a disease to be Runnig Head: Ebola: An Analysis of Ebola as an Epidemiological Agent transmitted (CDC, 2014). Of these three pillars, the agent is the true reason for Ebola becoming prevalent in certain aspects of the World, the microbe itself is the foundation for devastation and finds more causation that both the host and the environment.

Ebola is a terrible disease. In order to stop the epidemic, getting the clear picture of agent is necessary for any progress to be made. Considering the Agent in the case of Ebola to be the primary initiator of hardship and the catalyst for the epidemic does not in any way take full blame away from the host and the environment in the case. The host or humans in this case share partial blame in the epidemic. Human to human contact is the major may in which the disease is transmitted in today’s world.

Although the disease is not prevalent in America, in places like West Africa thousands die each year because of contact with those that are infected (CDC, 2014). In addition, as experts have also asserted, human’s willingness to chart into unknown rainforest is what allowed the disease to find a host to begin with (Kuhn, 2008) . It is said that if humans would not of invaded into the rainforest perhaps the virus would still be going through lifecycles in the forest. Nevertheless, it is the virus itself that causes such devastation and hardship and looking at the disease from the perspective of the host gives the most justification for the epidemic.

The virus itself is very dangerous in nature. A total of 116 new confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) were reported in the week to 8 March, compared with 132 the previous week(WHO,2015). It consists of several subtypes and until recently was considered a certain death. The virus itself can enter the host without the host knowing. Its actual entrance is through endocytosis. Almost immediately replication begins in the cytoplasm.

The virus has the ability to Runnig Head: Ebola: An Analysis of Ebola as an Epidemiological Agent target the blood coagulates and immune system. Once this occurs, the body of the host becomes immune suppressed and is open to other infections. According to the Center for Disease Control, the early symptoms of the disease are similar to the flu (Kuhn, 2008) .

Those infected can expect fever, headache, vomiting and pains in the stomach. Although the overall symptoms are not bad considering they are common occurrence within the human experience, within a few days there can be vast internal damage including marrow depression, nervous system damage and hepato cellular damage (CDC, 2014).

There is no Vaccination available for Ebola yet, however it can be removed from environment with the help of heat, alcohol based products and bleaching powder for instance sodium hypochlorite. In order to properly respond to such deadly viruses like ebola, a country should “review and enhance national public health emergency preparedness and response plans, and national command and coordination structures” (WHO). In underdeveloped countries like Africa, it is necessary to educate children’s about hygiene and to provide proper sanitation. Such measures can help eradicate such deadly viruses.

Although the Agent, Host and Environment all play a role in the development of any epidemic, in the case of Ebola we find that the host is the greatest contributor. It is the virus itself that causes such vast hardship and pain. In addition, it is the agent that is receptive to immune system of the human and causes it to be open for other diseases to find a home. The only way to stop the epidemic is to understand the agent itself. The agent has to be stopped in order for progress to be made. Runnig Head: Ebola: An Analysis of Ebola as an Epidemiological Agent


CDC: Ebola hemorrhagic fever – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Special Pathogens Branch. Retrieved from: http://www. cdc. gov/vhf/ebola/ Kuhn, Jens H. (2008). Filoviruses: A Compendium of 40 Years of Epidemiological, Clinical, and Laboratory Studies. Archives of Virology Supplement, vol. 20 (Limited preview). Vienna: SpringerWienNewYork. ISBN 978-3-211-20670-6. Geographic Information Systems . 2014. Level 4: Virus Hunters of the CDC (Limited preview). Horvitz, Leslie Alan (Updated [3rd] ed. ). International,World health organization (N/A), Ebola virus Disease, retrieved from http://www. who. int/csr/disease/ebola/en/.


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