Ebola Essay

The Ebola outbreak has took a huge toll on the world, however it is primarily in the African countries Sierra Leone and Liberia. It spreads through bodily fluids including sweat which is one reason it spreads so fast there. In African culture people are allowed to embrace the dead person and may have to carry a sick person to a medical area. This causes the virus to spread without them even realizing it. Ebola has a 90% fatality rate. It is a DNA virus that is incurable at the time, but they are working on the cure and have tests to see if a person has it.

There are moral and ethical considerations that the U. S. and Africa faces to attempt to contain the outbreak. Some of them even go against the African beliefs. First, there are many beliefs that the Africans have that are being broken due to the U. S. influence to contain the virus. In Africa, there is a belief to embrace and touch the person who has died. There is also a burial for the person afterwards where they bury them right near their home or a special area for their ancestors.

This has been broken due to the outbreak because to try to contain it the U.S. has taken it into its own hands. Because there are such a large number of deaths, they cremate the bodies or put them in plastic bags. This goes against both their beliefs because the families and friends can’t touch the bodies nor can they bury them in a special area near their home.

This is morally wrong but they can’t do a whole lot about it. If they do their normal practices and beliefs, more and more people will get infected and die from it. This makes it hard 2 for the U. S. because they want to help but they are also hurting the culture and loved ones of the people who have died.

Second, Ebola impacts people who were born there but live in the United States. The two men at the panel both were born in Africa and know people who have died from it. They get phone calls often to hear about someone else who has died or who has become sick from the virus. They ask people to pray for Africa and feel that they are even being punished for the war that happened previously.

This impacts morals a lot because they want to believe they it can be cured and they hope that their prayers will be answered, however they see and hear about all the people who have died and it can destroy their hopes at the same time.

Finally, Ebola is a widespread epidemic that has killed thousands of people. It impacts everyone but especially the people who were raised there and have loved ones there. The fight to stop it also goes against people’s beliefs which can be considered morally wrong however it is the only way they have that will stop it. It is a virus that will take all the help it can get to stop it and hopefully find a cure for it and a vaccination in the future.

Much progress was made in the effort to find a possible treatment method for the Ebola virus outbreak in many African countries. The drug is called “ZMapp,” and medical professionals say victims have shown “very positive signs of recovery. ” …

The Ebola Virus is a very dangerous virus. It causes a hemorrhagic fever called Ebola virus disease. ‘Hemorrhagic’ means that the victim infected with the virus bleeds both internally and externally. Out of every 10 people who get the virus, …

The Ebola virus is a deadly virus in the filovirus family. The filovirus family consists of Ebola Zaire, the most virulent of the Ebola viruses, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston, and Marburg. The Ebola Zaire virus has a 90% kill rate …

Ebola is a disease ravaging lives in West Africa. How can a miracle vaccine help this crucial situation to eradicate the deadly disease? The Ebola crisis is afflicting the people of West Africa because I am directly affected by it. …

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