Eating Fast Food

In the United States, you can find McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King and other fast food outlets in every city. Fast food restaurants are very popular in our country, and there are many people, who like eating there very frequently. From time to time, I also eat in Burger King or McDonald’s, but I personally believe that fast food is very harmful to our health. First of all, all those burgers, Big Macs and potato fries are very caloric.

They are fried using a lot of fat and other substances, which are harmful to our digestive system. Our body can not cope with such amounts of calories, and when we eat fast food very often, we open the way to gaining weight and becoming obese. Besides, many types of fast food contain so called oxidized fat, which is very dangerous to our vessels and can cause problems with blood circulation. Oxidized fat can be a reason of arterial plague formation.

Such plague can get collected in our arteries, block our blood flow and cause some serious diseases, including heart attack. Finally, when we go to fast food restaurants, we have a tendency to eat really fast and pay no attention on how much we eat. Eating fast affects our appetite and our digestion to a great extent, so every time we come to fast food restaurants again, we want to eat bigger and bigger portions of meals, because fast eating does not make us feel full.

Therefore, I am an opponent of fast food and eating in fast food restaurants since it is quite harmful to our overall health. I am convinced that we have to take good care about our health, because it is our most priceless asset. In order to live a long life, be always healthy and fit, we must be very careful about what we eat and how we eat.

Works Cited: Freiboth, Glenn. “6 Negative Effects Of Eating Fast Food. ” Ezine Articles. 8 Apr. 2006. 4 Nov. 2008 <http://searchenginewatch. com/searchday/article. php/3398511>.

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