Down syndrome is gaining momentum

The study aims to illustrate the occurring trend of societal representations of the conditions of Down syndrome. The perspective of society over these individuals as well as the prevalent view, either discriminative of receptive, shall be covered in the course discussion. The study shall employ statistic counts of Down syndrome specifically in the United States, which is the primary scope of setting. In addition, the study aims to utilize the conceptual frameworks applied in the course discussion of the said condition.

Applying models shall be the prime method of depiction on how society views these individuals. Various standard norms and prevailing cultural etiologies shall be utilized as well in order to validate the claimed results of the research. The following shall be the objectives utilized in the overall research course. These shall serve as the prime guidelines for the conduction of the whole research plan. To be able to provide social representations of Down syndrome patients prevailing in the society through the use of theoretical models.

To be able to compare and contrast the view of the society against this condition through the use of governing norms and perspectives in the society. Significantly, the study provides awareness expansion in terms of the society’s perception over Down syndrome patients. By knowing the established perception of the current prevailing norms of the society against this condition, it facilitates ease in developing health promotive, and organizational programs in aid of this condition. In addition, awareness of such subject induces an initiative to help improve the quality of life for these individuals.

Discussion Down syndrome is the most prevalent chromosome-related disorders, which is often suspected after birth due to the physical appearance of the baby. As noted in the latter statement, the presence of an extra chromosome 21 in either the sperm or the egg cell causes the condition of Down syndrome. Chromosome 21 us the smallest of the human chromosomes and contains about 255 genes. The majority of children with Down syndrome, which is around 95%, possess trisomy 21- an extra chromosome in all their cells.

Other individuals, which are around 3-4%, possess translocated form of the extra chromosome wherein the extra chromosome 21 is attached to one of a different chromosome pair, and last among the types is 1-2% mosaic, which pertains to varying count of trisomic cells while others a re normal in structure and characteristics. However, the type of chromosome pattern does not significantly alter the pattern of learning difficulties that usually accompany Down syndrome (Buckley, 2000 p. 9).

Children with Down syndrome are born at the same rate to parents of all social and education levels, in all ethnic groups and to parents of all ages. Although the risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases with maternal age, a baby with Down syndrome can be born to a mother of any age (Buckley, 2000 p. 9). However, Down syndrome patients are not entirely bound to live in an abnormal environment in accordant to their condition. In fact, various organization and sectors in society encourage the normal living of these individuals.

All children with Down syndrome should stay with the family, and most can be mainstreamed into kindergarten (Cicchetti and Beeghly, 1999 p. 302). It is essential to use measures for Down syndrome to monitor growth and development. In the advent of their maturation and growth, most of these individuals with Down syndrome are able to leave home, work, and form relationships. In fact, some are even noted to have the capacity to handle their own family (Taylor and David, 2005 p. 41)

Scientific and medical research on Down syndrome is gaining momentum. Research is continuing on identifying the genes in chromosome 21 that cause the characteristics of Down syndrome. According to the National Down Syndrome Society, it will be possible eventually to improve, correct, and prevent many of the problems associated with Down syndrome. There is hope that in the future, the ongoing research on Down syndrome will lead to development of an intervention and cure (Nielsen, 2002 p. 61).

Down syndrome is caused by the presence of extra genetic material from the 21st chromosome. Approximately, majority of the individuals with Down syndrome have an extra 21st chromosome and are identified as having “trisomy 21” subtype. Individuals with Down syndrome …

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Down syndrome is a set of intellectual and physical symptoms which is the result of having an extra copy of chromosome 21. As a rule, a fertilized egg has 23 pairs of chromosomes, however people who are diagnosed with a …

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