Doping control and Testing

Overleaf are the official doping control and testing carried out by the Badminton Association of England. The Performance Pyramid A pyramid structure shows a scale of development from foundation level rising upwards to excellence. This is shown below: At foundation level young children are introduced to the sport and learn then basic skills involved in a variety of activities, this is more likely achieved through schools P.E. programmes.

At participation level youngsters choose to take part in the sport for enjoyment and meeting new friends as well as improving their health and fitness. This preformed through extra curricular activities, local centres or clubs. At performance level participants are involved in organised activities at higher club and county level. They are willing to improve their standard of play, and regularly train and receive coaching.

At excellence level this regards to elite performers that represent their country in national and international competition. They are fully committed to their sport and will either train full or part time, receive financial, medical and personal support.

I would consider myself at participation level because I regularly take part in a lunchtime badminton club and play competitive matches against other players in my year down the local sport centre. I find badminton enjoyable and good for my health and fitness however I am eager to progress further up the performance pyramid and improve my standard of play in badminton. This could be done by joining a badminton club which would provide me regular training and coaching, as well as give me the opportunity to play in more competitive matches at a higher level.

The badminton Association of England has helped me develop my game of badminton by hosting many tournaments for me to compete in like wise the U16 social level championship at the NIA Birmingham. Have coaching courses that develop high quality coaches and provide equipment to improve players like myself at badminton and also fund sport centres and clubs to improve there facilities for players.

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