Disabled child

Advertising panels around the pitch to attract the capital of local businesses. Sponsorship by local businesses in return for the name and logo being featured on the team jersey. Additional social events at the pavilion such as a fancy dress Halloween ball, the X-factor, Golf days and Tribute Acts. Gate receipts from matches. Members pay an annual fee of twenty pounds which includes insurance for the players.. The Lottery funding project is supporting Casements Gac in the provision of new facilities as are the Antrim county board.


The club benefits from the use of private facilities, bought and paid for over fifty years. It owns its own land consisting of one pitch and high quality changing rooms. Casements also own a club pavilion with a bar and indoor hall which is available to the general public. There is also a local Gaelic pitch owned by the district council which helps the club avail of the use of limited public sector facilities. Local schools, colleges and clubs: The local schools genuinely get on well with each other and allow their facilities to be used for community use. We train in our own pitch, a community pitch or the school pitch. Casements facilities are largely open for community use and other teams may book them by request. Gaelic football is now a major sport with schools as it is taught on the curriculum. The local primary school encourages young children to join Casements to develop their game. Post-primary schools help to further develop a player and work well with my club in organising facilities and training.

Club Schemes:

The club runs many GAA accredited schemes such as the mini 7’s, Cúl Camp and internal club award schemes. The club has a prize giving ceremony every year in which the “player of the year” and “most improved” awards are presented. The club also runs a Cúl camp to develop the ‘FUNdamental’ skills of the younger players with the emphasis on fun as well as skill (www.rogercasementsgac.com). The club within the voluntary sector as it is run and financed by volunteers. The GAA is a voluntary organisation where managers and players volunteer to take part. Officials are paid a small sum to encourage officiating and as there are small numbers.

Disabled Members: Unfortunately, locally there are no GAA activities for the disabled. However proper access is availoable and everyone is made to feel part of the community. Disabled members also have the chance to manage and help to develop young players.

Gender issues: The club caters for men’s Gaelic football and ladies camogie at all ages. Unfortunately there is a gender bias within the GAA as a whole as women aren’t allowed to compete with the males. Casements doesn’t cater for a men’s hurling team or a women’s Gaelic team. Lack of numbers is a major influence.

I can safely link my role as a leader and performer at my local club. It has clearly developed me as a performer from a young age and this has given me the characteristics and qualities necessary to be a leader. There are also opportunities to become involved in coaching and officiating from a young age e.g. young whistlers and coaching foundation course where there are regular classes in local areas. These are run by the Ulster Council and are generally free to members of the GAA.

Critique: Sourcing my information for this study was relatively easy due to the varied supply of information. What I did find less pleasing was the fact that there aren’t any real efforts currently being made within the GAA to adapt the game for people with disabilities, unlike some other sports. This is an area for potential development by the GAA. Female participation is well established in the county and indeed in Ireland but unfortunately, in my club, there aren’t sufficient numbers interested to warrant a team. There are few local public sector facilities available which limit the clubs use of these e.g. leisure centres and gyms.

Bibliography: www.gaa.ie

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