Disability and swimming

Swimmers need the chance to compete on equal terms, to measure their ability against others, and some welcome the opportunity to train for national and international competition with all the demands and discipline that this brings to their life National Junior Swimming Championships The National Junior Swimming Championships is presently held at the Dolphin Centre in Darlington. They bring together the elite juniors from the Regional and Home Countries Championships, which are held before the national event. This event is growing increasingly popular and successful.

National Open and Short Course Swimming Championships The National Swimming Championships are divided into two events. The National Short Course Championships are held in the 25-metre pool at Ponds Forge in Sheffield and, as with the junior event, qualification is through the Regional and Home Country Championships. Competition for the team trophy creates a superb atmosphere.

The National Open Championships, also held at Ponds Forge, is the only event held in a 50-metre pool for swimmers with a disability in this country. This individual event highlights Great Britain’s standing as one of the top nations in the swimming world. Agencies involved with disability swimming Disability Sport England (West Midlands)

Disability Sport England for the West Midlands is part of a National Disability Sports Organisation. The goals of Disability Sport England is to organise and develop a co-ordinated sporting events programme for disabled people to be able to compete in so that they don’t feel like they can take part in anything because they are disabled. The events are at a local, regional and national level. DSE West Midlands have an extensive programme of event, organised primarily by volunteers Sport Groups For The Disabled In Birmingham, there are a number of well-established sports groups available for people who are physically disabled. They all provide opportunities for people to participate in sport and leisure. Here are a few of the groups which provide swimming for the disabled athletes: Birmingham Meerkats Sports Club They provide swimming Wilson Stuart School in Perry Barr.

Dwarf Athletics Association (West Midlands) This is a newly established group that provides sporting opportunities in Athletics and Swimming for people with restricted growth. Wobblers and Wheelies Sports Club This is a sports club for people who are physically impaired. They teach Swimming at their base in Foxhollies Leisure Centre. City of Birmingham Special Olympics This is a group for people with learning difficulties. It is based in Kingsbury School in Erdington. They provide Swimming lessons fort the mentally disabled at Stetchford Cascades in Stetchford.

Awards for All Awards for All is a grants programme set up to help small groups. The Heritage Lottery Fund, the Arts Council of England, Sport England, the New Opportunities Fund and the Community Fund support it. The main aim of the programme is to fund projects (up to 5,000) which involve people in their community; bringing them together to enjoy arts, sports, heritage and other community activities. Priority is given to applications targeting disabled people. You can apply if the group you represent have a constitution or formally accepted set rules, and a bank account. The funding can be used for the development of sporting activities, coaching, events, training, coach education, hire of facilities, equipment and much more. This could help with the provision of disability swimming as it can help some one start a group for swimmers with all different kinds of abilities within our local area.

The sport I am researching is swimming. The national governing bodies are the Amateur Swimming Association and English Schools Swimming Association. ESSA are getting children as young as 7 to start swimming, they are doing this by providing lessons in …

For many years, disabled people have been spectators, as others have enjoyed the highs and lows of playing football. But in recent years variations of the sport have been devised to allow virtually any disabled person to play, and to …

Access is how available something is. In certain areas of the country there are restrictions to access. Local sports centres may not have been designed to cater for the needs of disabled people etc. This could be overcome by building …

The Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) is the governing body for swimming in England, and with the Scottish and Welsh bodies forms the Amateur Swimming Federation of Great Britain. The ASA organises competition throughout England, establishes the laws of the sport …

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