Different mental disorders

Treatment of the different mental disorders demands that a careful approach is taken to enhance faster and more effective recovery takes root. In this respect, this method provides a better platform for treatment in that it brings together the patient and the doctor in an active mode. Hayes and Kirk (77-78) points out that by seeking the patient to accept the general situation as the first stage of addressing the same complications, the method becomes easier to employ and achieve the different results.

To add to that, it is much easier to address the problem based on the fact that the psychologists are able to communicate effectively with the patient. The ability to assimilate the same aims and objectives towards the betterment of the patients’ health provides a better monitoring system with appropriate negative feedback for mechanisms for assessment by the psychologists. The method is easy to administer in that both the doctor and the patients are determined to address the problem.

Though acceptance and commitment based approach has been contrasted with dialectical therapy due to focus on the need for change through the general commitment, it is no doubt that treatment in this case takes much shorter time than with other methods. Kabat-Zinn (37-40) argues that in other methods where the victims are treated with their minimal personal commitment towards the process, understanding of all the causative factors becomes very hard and at times cause delays or skipping major aspects that could facilitate worsening of the condition.

This may lead to partial or incomplete treatment and therefore foster resilience of the same problem. Acceptance and commitment cognitive approach therefore overrides the others by being not just conclusive but considerate of the later efficacy of the patient to exist in the system. According to Broderick (501-510), a major advantage of this system is that it seeks to emphasize the direct inculcation of the patients’ environment to infer a long term coping mechanism consideration.

It is worth noting that by inferring the need for acceptance by the patient being treated from mental disorders, this approach invokes the need to appreciate the general cause of the problem as it is and not the way it should be. One of its principles indicates that learning to perceive thoughts, images, memories, and even emotions helps to bring the wider picture of the different alternatives that could be assimilated to not only address the problem but turn it into a major stepping stone for later growth and development.

Meta-cognitive approach of cognitive dimensions has been formulated on the basis of widespread inclusive research on mental disorders by psychologists. Following this consideration it brings strongly empirical based methodology to treat the different mental disorders. Taking into consideration that bulk of the mental disorders that affect the people result from how they respond to their negative thoughts and beliefs that culminates to worries or rumination, it sets the necessary platform for effectively addressing them.

From this understanding, this method poses one of the best systems for addressing mental problem in that the problems are intrinsically and externally understood. Unlike in acceptance and commitment cognitive approach where the problem has to be sought first and then solved, this method therefore is much more precise in treatment of mental problems like post traumatic stress disorders. However, this advantage has at times been cited to a major disadvantage linked to generalization of the problem.

Aiken (19-23) argues that every human being is highly dynamic and therefore unique in all operations which call for particularistic consideration when solving their problems at any level. According to Hayes and Kirk (78-79), meta-cognitive approaches brings out the clear interlink between the sufferer and the actual problem involved. BY seeking to establish the classes of those people should not exceed use of worrying as major system to address their general stresses, it provides a direct system upon which the community should be alarmed by the different cases that have negative implications to them.

Leahy (188-191) point out that type one worry indicates the onset of the depression and offers the best instance of addressing it before it escalates. This approach therefore seeks to prevent worrying from further exposure to positive beliefs which may directly link it to generalized anxiety disorder a point at which it becomes uncontrollable and therefore greater effects to the mental, physical, and even the social wellbeing.

According to Chapman (325-331), mental disorders have over the years assimilated a modernistic approach where their application seeks to fit within the brackets of the people cultures and the general orientations of the problem. Indeed, the ability of the patients …

Acceptance and commitment therapy indicates that the core of many mental problems is related to the following considerations. To begin with, as the relational theory indicates, the evaluation of the experience that an individual has ever encountered or anticipates to …

According to Beitel et al (739-750), meta-cognitive approach proposes that mental disorders originate from a chain of uncontrollable worries and highly distressing that make it hard for the patient to effectively control the different resilient behaviors. It is worth noting …

Acceptance and commitment cognitive approach has over the years received strong criticism from both the scholars and the clinicians on its approach to addressing mental disorders in the patients. According to Bohus et al (875-887), acceptance and commitment cognitive approach …

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