Different Kinds of People

Each person’s mind is not the same. We all think differently. I always find myself thinking that every person should be on the same wavelength because then we would all understand each other. But then, if everyone thought exactly the same, there would be no originality anywhere. Diversity in points of view is necessary for progression, yet it also causes disagreements between people. How do I know that people cannot think alike? Each person is influenced by a different area of knowledge that helps him/her to make and justify decisions.

Different Kinds of People Have Different Points of View Why don’t two people think alike all the time? It is a mystery that has been questioned forever. All people are raised in a somewhat different fashion, yes, but even twins think differently. This is because each person is influenced by a different area of knowledge. The six areas of knowledge are mathematics, natural sciences, human sciences, history, ethics, and art. These fundamental areas of knowledge provide each person a perspective on issues. Mathematics is the study of logic.

Everything is based on reason. A mathematician rationalizes any statement quantitatively. History is the story of our ancestors and our past. By looking at history, one can learn from the past’s mistakes and can be able to improve the human condition. However, history can be very biased at times because historians have to pick and choose what events will be recorded in books. Science is the study and explanation of natural phenomena. Scientific explanations are usually conducted through experiments in which a hypothesis is proved or disproved.

Social science is the study of the human being and its relationship with and influence on society. The social sciences include anthropology, economics, sociology, psychology, and the like. An accepted fact is that the world is round. However, people do not rationalize its validity in the same manner. A mathematician would rationalize this statement by talking about circumference, spheres, circles, and the like. A scientist would use physics. When a ship approaches the shore from the horizon, you do not see it all at once.

It gradually appears, with the head of the ship appearing first. After a while, you can see the entire ship. If the world was flat, the ship would appear in full form all at once. Also, in eclipses, the earth is reflected as a round shape on the moon. I know that a person from any different area of knowledge will look at every fact from a different perspective. A person’s point of view is also very subjective; it changes with each different example. However, the influence of the area of knowledge in that person remains the same in dealing with different examples.

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