Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction

There are a couple of ways in which erectile dysfunction can be diagnosed. Different diagnostic procedures if important to know what factors contributed to the condition which would also indicate what kind of treatment is necessary for the situation. Knowing the patient history one step for diagnosis as certain drugs contributes to erectile dysfunction. If drugs have been found to be the cause, simply cutting back or switching to other similar medications that do not have similar side effects may solve the problem.

A physical examination, on the other hand, would indicate if the disorder is caused by problems involving the nervous system, blood problems or hormonal problems. Laboratory tests can also help. Such tests include blood counts, urinalysis, lipid profile and amount of creatinine and liver enzymes. Measuring free testosterone levels in the blood would indicate if there are problems relating to the endocrine system particularly in patients that manifest lesser sexual desire (NKUDIC, 2005).

On the other hand, psychosocial examinations are done to know if the problem is caused by psychological factors. This includes interviews and answering questionnaires. In this case, the sexual partner may also be interviewed because sexual expectations and perceptions may have psychological effects on the patient (NKUDIC, 2005). VI. Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction There are numerous treatments for erectile dysfunction but the mode of treatment necessary is purely dependent on what factors caused the disorder.

Initially, it is advised that the patient stop smoking as it hardens the arteries which affects blood flow and could lead to erectile dysfunction. Another healthy advise is to increase exercise because it promotes good blood circulation. Maintaining a healthy diet is also essential not only for erectile dysfunction but also for general health. Other methods include avoiding alcohol as it can worsen erectile dysfunction. Stress should also be considered (Davis, 2006). For erectile dysfunction caused by psychological factors, sexual counseling is the most common recourse.

Talking to the partner about sexual problems is also recommended to clear any misunderstandings in the relationship that might have caused the problem (Davis, 2006). Physical treatments, on the other hand, may depend on the patients medical history or the patients personal preferences. It may come as oral drugs, drugs administered into the penis, or mechanical devices that help the patient get and maintain an erection. Oral drugs include cialis which can give the patient an erection of up to 36 hours, levitra which effects lasts four to five hours and Viagra which lasts for 3 to 4 hours.

Drugs injected directly into the penis include Caverject, MUSE, and Viridal Duo. Mechanical aids may include devices that direct blood into the penis to achieve and maintain an erection. Surgery can also be done to repair any abnormalities or to aid in erection (Davis, 2006). These treatments may, however have some side effects just like other medical treatments (Davis 2006) should not be taken without prior prescription. VII. Conclusion Taking into account the given facts, erectile dysfunction is a medical condition that is common among men.

Although men find the condition rather embarrassing, talking about it with the partner is better to prevent any misunderstandings and more problems. Facing the situation and seeking medical help is advised because cases of erectile dysfunction are commonly curable. Self-medication should never be done as the condition may be caused by a variety of factors and no one treatment is assured of curing the medical condition.


American Medical Association. 2006 March. Erectile Dysfunction: Causes and Effects. Retrieved May 7, 2008, from http://www. medem. com/MedLB/article_detaillb.cfm? article_ID =ZZZKV6W3NAC&sub_cat=322 Brooks, Pamela. 19 June 2006. ED and its effect on a relationship. Retrieved May 7, 2008, from http://www. netdoctor. co. uk/erectiledysfunction/relationship. htm National Kidney and Urologic Disease Information Clearinghouse. December 2005. Erectile Dysfunction. Retrieved May 7, 2008, from http://kidney. niddk. nih. gov/kudiseases/pubs/ impotence/index. htm Erectile Dysfunction: Effects. UrologyChannel. Retrieved May 7, 2008, from http://www. urology channel. com/erectiledysfunction/effects. shtml Davis, Helen. 5 July 2006. ED treatments summary.

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