Diabetes and hypertension

There is a certain level of disregard for the negative effects of caffeine by people who take coffee and indeed many of the caffeinated products. These effects may be either short term or long term. Research has indicated that the alertness that people associate with coffee is for a short moment and tiredness take over immediately. Coffee may not be classified at the same level with the hard drugs that provide instant addiction upon taking but it can have similar effects on the body if taken for long and in large quantities as it is habit forming.

Most people will agree with the observation that one experiences irritability and a headache as the daily intake of coffee wears off. These are effects similar to cigarette smoking. Whereas these may not be at a higher level, they are nevertheless a source of discomfort. Closely related to this would be the withdrawal effects associated with quitting coffee. It is important to mention that the issue of withdrawal effects has remained controversial as the existing studies are compounded by what is referred to as the convergence of risk factors.

This means that it is difficulty to gauge the intensity of withdrawal effects of coffee as the subjects may also be taking other substances such as cigarettes which has visible withdrawal effects (Nehlig 16) Tentative research has pointed out possible links between coffee taking and increase in body weight. Coffee, or indeed caffeine, creates a feeling of food craving by increasing the level of appetite in a drinker. It also results to elevated levels of insulin resistance in the body, a condition that creates favorable atmosphere for weight gain.

To understand how this works, it is important to look at the body reactions caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that leads to low levels of blood sugar in the body and consequently a high appetite (Macrae 171). Caffeine also results to the body developing a resistance for insulin, building up the levels of insulin and glucose. This is a situation that goes beyond a mere weight gain and may adversely affects an individual’s health by elevating the risks of developing weight related diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

Many people may see coffee as a much safer addiction in the assumption that it is not associated with adverse health problems compared with the consumption of alcohol and drugs. The urge also to drink coffee also lies in the fact that its side effects are not widely published as those of cigarettes and other drugs. While it may be true that coffee is not that harmful, it is a wrong assumption. A high intake of coffee may lead to heart diseases, stomach ulcers, and colon and bowel complications (Higdon 35).

Enjoying a cup of coffee at the slightest chance during a break from the day to day busy schedule may sound interesting but it is important that people understand the risks they are exposing their bodies to. Coffee drinking may is a relaxing venture but it leads to adverse health effects on the body. The presence of caffeine as the key compound in coffee increases the prospects of heart complications, leads to diabetes and hypertension amongst others. Whereas complete withdrawal from coffee is not possible, it is advisable that people reduce their intake to an occasional cup to cushion their bodies against the above mentioned health risks.

Works Cited

Jarvis, M. J. , Does caffeine intake enhance absolute levels of cognitive performance? Psychopharmacology, 2 December, 2005, 110:1-2, 45-52 Weinberg B. , Bealer B. The World of Caffeine: The Science and Culture of the World’s Most Popular Drug. Routledge, 2001, 320 Nehlig A. Coffee, tea, chocolate, and the brain. CRC Press, 2004, 16 Higdon J. An evidence-based approach to dietary phytochemicals. Thieme, 2006, 35 Margaret M. Nutrition and Dietetics’ 2007 Ed. 2007 Edition. Rex Bookstore, Inc. , 2007, 420 Macrae R. Coffee: Physiology. Springer, 1988, 171

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