
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the benefits of Adderall as well as the risks from abusing the prescription drug. Thesis Statement: While Adderall is used to benefit people with ADD, there are also many risks that come along for those who choose to abuse the prescription drug. Introduction 1. Attention-getter: Would you ever consider taking a pill that makes you actually focus on getting your school work done even if you weren’t officially prescribed to it? 2. Ethos: According to the federal government’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Adderall has become commonly abused on over 200 college campuses across America.

3. Preview: First I would like to go into a little background about Adderall, followed by the risks it can have on the body, and lastly about how college kids abuse this “Smart Drug”. (Transition: Now, I will talk about the background of Adderall. ) Body I. Adderall was created in 1996 by the manufacturer Deramed Pharmaceuticals and is available in instant-release form or extended-release form. It is composed of a combination of amphetamine salts. A. It is known to treat patients with ADD, ADHD, and narcolepsy. B.

It’s a pyschostimulant drug that increases levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. (Transition: Like all medicines, Adderall has some risks that come with taking the drug. ) II. Adderall comes with a long list of side effects, especially for those who overuse the drug. A. Prolonged high doses of amphetamines can result in extreme fatigue, insomnia, stomach pain, dry mouth, loss of appetite, difficulty falling asleep, weight loss, extreme irritability & mood swings, unpleasant taste in mouth, depression, muscle and joint pain, and severe headaches. B.

Symptoms of Adderall overdose include: seizure, high blood pressure, abnormal heart beat, extreme and uncontrollable hyper activity, hallucinations, delusional thinking, heavy sweating, vomiting, lower abdominal pain, and severe dehydration. (Transition: Despite the side effects of Adderall, more and more college students are taking the drug to enhance their performance in school. ) III. It has been reported that Adderall is widely used as a “study drug” at many universities, due to its ability to help focus energy and concentration to a much higher level than normal.

It lets the user focus and stay awake for long periods of time. A. More and more college students are starting to take the drug just because they think it is a helpful study tool or they just enjoy how it makes them feel. They are most likely to get it from friends who are actually prescribed to it. B. College students think the drug will boost their GPA or athletic ability. Conclusion 1. Summarize and review: I showed the background of Adderall, how it comes in instant-release and extended release form, as well as what it is made of.

I then went over the risks and side effects that Adderall can have on the body. And I explained the statistics of abuse and why college kids abuse this drug so much. 2. Tie to the introduction: So the next time you need to cram for a test and decide to take an Adderall, think about the effects it is having on your body. 3. Creative concluding thought: Don’t be a part of those statistics of college kids who abuse this prescription drug.

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Introduction A.  Attention Getter: “I reached into my backpack, grabbed an Adderall, and went to the bathroom. I smashed it on the bathroom sink and snorted it. I went back to my class and zipped through the rest of my …

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