Definition of Cancer Registry

What is the type of data being collected by the cancer registry? The cancer registry would be collecting several types of data including:- • Information regarding cancer incidences, statistics, mortality, morbidity, cure rate, 5-year survival rate, etc • Monitoring of cancer control programs • Information regarding the location of the cancer • Information regarding the type of cancer • Information as to what stage is the cancer diagnosed or detected • Information regarding the management of the patient using surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy

• Information regarding the follow-up and the vital status of the patient • Information about various research studies on cancer • Information regarding various quality control programs implemented (SEER, 2009) What is the purpose of collecting data by the cancer registry? The main purpose of collecting is to improve the management of cancer, if not prevent it occurrence in the population, by identifying the risk factors, reducing their effect, screening cancer closely, managing cancer using effective and advanced techniques and conducting relevant research in the field.

Once data is collected by the cancer registry, it is processed and analyzed. The data is then converted into appropriate plans or outcomes which can help manage problems associated with cancer better (NCRA, 2006). How does a cancer registry help to monitor cancer at a hospital or an institution? The staff members in various hospitals can be educated about better screening, treatment, prevention and creating awareness regarding cancer.

Manuals regarding coding and staging for cancers can be prepared and implemented. Data once collected about a specific population, could be analyzed and presented back to the hospital. The hospital would then identify the pattern of occurrence of cancer in that specific population and accordingly manage the disease better. The cancer outcomes at a hospital can closely be monitored and in this way performance can be improved and quality can be increased (SEER, 2009).

Reference: Medicine Net (2004). Definition of Cancer Registry, Retrieved on June 17, 2009, from Web site: http://www. medterms. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=33280 NCRA (2006). The National Cancer Registrars Association, Retrieved on June 17, 2009, from Web site: http://www. ncra-usa. org/files/public/SMPlan06. pdf SEER (2009). SEER Program Overview, Retrieved on June 17, 2009, from Web site: http://seer. cancer. gov/index. html

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