Decision Making Based on Mission and Vision of an Organization

In the course text, read the case study at the bottom of page 230. Write a 3-5 page paper on what could be a mission or vision of the Community Medical Center that would guide the president in his decision about the case of an operating room nurse who may have HIV/AIDS. What could be the decision and how will the decision be communicated to the physicians, employees, to the board, and the public. The thought of a healthcare worker with a positive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diagnosis sounds risk laden for someone who is undereducated on virus transmission risks.

As a leader in a healthcare facility, it is imperative the president of Community Medical Center dispel the fears within his hospital and community in a quick and efficient manner. The president of Community Medical Center will need to focus on a vision statement first to assist this hospital in striving to become an inclusive, nondiscriminatory environment. Due to the prejudice and fear exhibited by the surgeons, the hospital mission statement is either inadequate or unheeded.

The hospital could use this vision statement to guide them along the right path: The vision of Community Medical Center is to be a leader in quality, patient-centered care in an inclusive environment that embraces the principle of zero tolerance for all forms of discrimination. After the chaos calms, they will need to revise their mission statement to include their innovative values and beliefs. The president has not been afforded the opportunity to use a willful choice model in this hasty decision making process.

His decisions and consequent action plan will be swift because the chief of surgery is creating a rebellious atmosphere. As the misinformation spreads through the operating room and into the hospital, the number of staff affected will increase exponentially. The chief of surgery is currently role modeling inequality and insularity. Attributable to his leadership role, the staff may react likewise and refuse to work with the operating room nurse in any department. So, the president is compelled to use the garbage can model decision model to quash the confusion.

Using this model, he can practice the established, documented processes provided by the state guidelines, the Center for Disease Control and the International Labor Organization. The president is required to abide by nondiscrimination laws. He will locate the current Georgia guidelines for preventing transmission of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B virus to patients during exposure-prone invasive procedures through the Centers for Disease Control and the International Labor Organization.

Within the state of Georgia guidelines, there is no definition of a healthcare worker or an invasive procedure. (“Guidelines ,” 2008, p. 10-11) And, virus testing of a healthcare worker is voluntary. (“Guidelines ,” 2008, p. 10-11) Also, notification of patients and staff is considered on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration whether exposure has occurred, an assessment of specific risks, and confidentiality issues. (“Guidelines ,” 2008, p.10-11).

If documented transmission has occurred, written informed consent should be obtained from all future patients who will have exposure-prone invasive procedures performed. (“Guidelines ,” 2008, p. 10-11) Then, upon identification of an infected healthcare worker performing an invasive procedure, the healthcare worker will be contacted and the Director of the Division of Public Health may convene an EPR to evaluate the individual circumstances. (“Guidelines ,” 2008, p.10-11).

Therefore, the president cannot legally remove the surgical nurse from his position unless documented transmission of the virus has occurred. Considering time constraints and legal aspects, the president will need to include some quantitative methods but rely heavily on qualitative methods. Then, he will need to bring together the chief of surgery, the hospital attorney, the operating room manager and the infection prevention manager to discuss the plan for efficient modifications.

They should begin with a brief education session to enlighten him on the severe legal ramifications of his actions and the low risk of infection transmission posed by the questionably HIV infected nurse. In order to decrease hostility, the nurse and chief surgeon will not be placed in the same operating room cases for the next thirty days. The nurse will need to be assured that temporarily separating him from the chief surgeon will benefit his working conditions.

Then, ongoing education regarding HIV transmission risks should be instituted house wide beginning in the operating room. The chief of surgery will be expected to educate his peers on the information presented to him and to decrease their anxiety by role modeling a nondiscriminatory approach. When the president contacts the newspaper editor and publisher, he should only provide the basic facts and not answer any new questions. The president will inform the editor that the rumor of an HIV positive hospital nurse is unsubstantiated.

And, if he does become aware of an HIV positive healthcare worker he would continue to follow the Georgia guidelines for preventing transmission of human immunodeficiency virus to patients. He would also state that the healthcare providers at Community Medical Center are trained in Universal Precautions and monitored for correct procedure. After the initial problems subside, the president will need to continue to reinforce nondiscriminatory guidelines. And, he will include community education to decrease the risks of a new problem arising. References.

Anatomy of crisis management: lessons from the infamous Toyota Case. European Business Review, 24(2), 151-168. Retrieved June 3, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2600901601). Guidelines for HIV-positive Health Care Workers, Centre for HIV Law & Policy. (2008). Retrieved from http://www. ilo. org/aids/legislation/WCMS_127771/lang–en/index. htm Guo, K. (2010). The Entrepreneurial Manager in Health Care Organizations. The Business Review, Cambridge, 15(2), 11-18. Retrieved June 3, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2045079301). Victor L. Heller, & John R. Darling. (2012).

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