Debate Paper/Medical Marijuana

While some people choose to think marijuana is a recreational drug, medicinal marijuana helps a vast amount of individuals around the universe that deals with their everyday life crisis from high risk diseases to emotional stability. Through years of studying patients along with the evolution of scientific research; marijuana has been proven to have an enormous positive influence on the patients that have chosen to indulge in the drug. The most important reason people depend on medicinal marijuana is it relieves the patient of the side effects of diseases because it helps take the chronic pain away.

Marijuana can be very effective in treating a number of illnesses and diseases. Medicinal Marijuana is a major asset to various individuals from high risk diseases to emotional stability. The use of marijuana is used widely within individuals that have the virus of HIV to the diseases of cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis (MS) along with a long list of other medical conditions. After decades of doing research scientists have found how marijuana contributes to various diseases; marijuana helps AIDS patients by reducing pain, muscle spasms, nausea, vomiting and stress.

It also helps the patient with their appetites and their sleeping patterns. The benefits of marijuana among cancer patients are that the drug prevents the spread of breast cancer; the drug reduces tumors along with the killing of cancer cells that are related to brain cancer. In a Multiply Sclerosis patient marijuana aids the consumer by limiting pain and spasticity; it also temporary relieves unsteadiness in the patient, (Fradella, 2011).

Despite the limited amount of data available on the use of medicinal marijuana in the general population, it has been suggested that persons with the HIV/AIDS are the largest group of medicinal marijuana users in both Canada and the United States. (Joy, 1999). It is a “myth” that some women have used marijuana to relieve themselves from the pain of menstrual cramps. The women pain is so unbearable to some women that it triggers anger along with other negative mood swings. It is also rumored that the very conservative Queen Victoria smoked marijuana to ease the pain that came from her menstrual cramps.

Even the strict Chinese back in ancient times allowed the acceptance of marijuana during childbirth and to fight malaria. Marijuana also calms down people with Tourette and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The drug is used as a sleeping aid along with helping tics and depression. Marijuana also prevents seizures in some patients because it relaxes muscles. The drug is also known to relieve symptoms of chronic diseases in multiple individuals that have nausea, diarrhea, and Crohn’s disease. Marijuana is prescribed to some patients to help them sleep more soundly.

With the help of marijuana people with eating disorders gain an appetite and it is also helpful in treating people with anxiety, depression and stress disorders. The results from patients who use medicinal marijuana are greatly appreciated by the recipient. The ability to be able to consume marijuana to alleviate their symptoms can only is comforting to the recipient. Marijuana is to be considered the motor that keeps some individuals being able to deal with the complications of various symptoms that they have developed over time; it puts the patient at a state of comfort and relief.

Many patients do not know what they would have done without the help of medicinal marijuana. The drug has helped them progress in their everyday endeavors. Charlene DeGidio never smoked marijuana in the 1960s, or afterward. But a year ago, after medications failed to relieve the pain in her legs and feet, a doctor suggested that the Adna, Washington, retiree try a dosage of medical marijuana. Ms. DeGidio, 69 years old, bought candy with marijuana mixed in. It worked in easing her neuropathic pain, for which doctors haven’t been able to pinpoint a cause, she says. Now, Ms.

DeGidio, who had previously tried without success other drugs including Neurontin and lidocaine patches, nibbles marijuana-laced peppermint bars before sleep, and keeps a bag in the refrigerator that she’s warned her grandchildren to avoid. (Mathews, 2010, Wall Street Journal). With the advancement of today’s scientific studies marijuana has taken an overwhelming effect on the medical industry. It is truly amazing how a drug looked at as a recreational drug has been a great benefit to today’s society. However, every patient that uses medicinal marijuana does not smoke the drug.

There is many ways to consume medical marijuana, some patients take capsules, and others used marijuana inspired foods such as butter to cook with, cookies, brownies, candies, patches to be worn on the skin, oral spray and various other ways to have the drug help them in dealing with their respective medical conditions. Scientist has found that “the ingredient in cannabis is tetrahydrocannibanol, and THC. Research supported by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) found that synthesized THC reduces nausea also vomiting from chemotherapy treatments (Hurd, 2010).

Glenn Osaki, 51, a technology consultant from Pleasanton, Calif. , says he smokes marijuana to counter nausea and pain. Diagnosed in 2005 with advanced colon cancer, he has had his entire colon removed, creating digestive problems, and suffers neuropathic pain in his hands and feet from chemotherapy drug. He says smoking marijuana was more effective and faster than prescription drugs he tried in the past; including one that is a synthetic version of marijuana’s most active ingredient, known THC. (Mathews, 2010, Wall Street Journal)

Scientist’s studies have also showed that marijuana that has the THC taken out of it does not have the same effect on the patient’s pains and illness as marijuana with the THC still present in it. Some researchers believe that alone should be a reason to make research of the drug more rapidly. Throughout the study and observation of medicine marijuana has been down played by many. The DEA does not support the use of smoked marijuana for the purpose of medicine. Some conservatives believe that it is a recreational drug used for fun.

Certain individuals believe that is a gateway drug to other harder drugs. Some believes the use of marijuana will attract teens quicker because they might think it is a cool drug or harmless. It is believed by some, that the use of marijuana in some medical conditions will cause depression and not help the patient overall. There is also a concern that the longer the patient use marijuana that it will affect their lungs and it also contains other chemicals that will lead to cancerous conditions.

Both the American Cancer Society and the Institute of Medicine recognize that the majority of the research regarding the harm behind legalizing marijuana for medical use includes long term health problems associated with inhaling. There are potential social issues, including increased use among minors, a general belief that marijuana is safe when marijuana could be harmful due to the carcinogens present in smoke. According to the American Cancer Society, other drug options can engender the same benefits without the risks associated with smoking marijuana.

Support for medical marijuana includes the argument that most terminal patients, such as those with cancer, will not have the opportunity for long-term use, according to the Institute of Medicine. Supporters say health problems resulting from marijuana smoking remain unproven, while its efficacy in assuaging various medical conditions has, states the American Cancer Association, (Parks, 2010). TV personality, multiple sclerosis patient and one-time drug industry spokesman Montel Williams has a new role: consultant to medical marijuana dispensaries.

This week the media star took reporters on a tour of an upscale medical marijuana dispensary that he’s helping to launch. “I use medical marijuana,” Williams told one TV reporter. He’s been an advocate for the legalization of medical marijuana and said he uses pot every day. The Sacramento dispensary is run by Abatin Wellness Cooperative, and Williams said it’s nice enough that his parents would be happy to check it out. The fancy dispensary could help lift the stigma of medical marijuana.

“Why are we treating patients who seek out this type of medication like they’re some lesser members of society,” he said. For years, Williams served as the face for the brand-name drug industry’s consortium to offer help to people who can’t afford their medicines, though that relationship ended a while back. Now, he’s eyeing a different national medical venture — opening high-end medical marijuana shops in states where they’re legal. (Hensley, 2011). Marijuana has been referred to as both a devil weed and a miracle drug.

Although the debate on the legalization of marijuana for personal use has raged for decades the issue of medical marijuana the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has become one of the most passionately debated policy issues of the early 21st century in the United States. The debate has been spurred, in part, by the fact that at least 14 states have legalized medical marijuana even though federal law prohibits such use of the drug National public opinion polls throughout the past 15 years have consistently demonstrated that between 60% and 85% of adults support the medicinal use of Marijuana upon the recommendation of a physician.

(Fradella, 2011). Researchers have studied, and clinical testing has shown the impact that marijuana has on numerous diseases and psychological mind settings it is fair for one to believe the benefits of using the drug can help a user in their everyday affairs. Medicinal marijuana has that it can help patients cope with their physical and mental conditions caused by HIV, cancer, MS, anorexia, arthritis, Alzheimers, glaucoma and along hand with several other diseases.

The benefit of the patient being able to use marijuana is very comforting to some. Who would have ever thought that a drug looked at by some human beings to be recreational or negative would turn out to be serious; and positive in many human beings lives? The drug called marijuana is finally respected and recognized in the medical field for doing well instead of harm, (Hurd, 2010). In presenting this paper we hope that the information provided has enlightened the readers on how medical marijuana can been an essential to the health of the consumer.

References Fradella, H. (2011, February 6). web. ebscohost. com. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from http://web. ebscohost. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/: Hensley, S. (2011, June 15). Montel Williams Help Open Medical Marijuana Shop In California. Retrieved march 1, 2012, from www. npr. org: http://www. npr. org/blogs/health/2011/06/18/137195115/montel-williams-helps-open-medical-marijuana-shop-in-calif Hurd, R. (2010, September 28).

About People Who Use Medical Marijuana. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from http;//www. livestrong. com/article/255750-about-people-who-use-medical-marijuana Joy J. , W. S. (1999, October 1). Marijuana and Medicine Assessing the Science Base. Medicinal And Recreational Marijuana Use In HIV . Parks, N. (2010, Mar 3).

How does medical marijuana help cancer. Retrieved Mar 12-1-2011, 2010, from Livestrong. com: http://www. livestrong. com/article/224397-how-does-medical-marijuana-help-cancer/ W. , M. A. (2010, January 18). Is Marijuana a Medicine? Retrieved January 18, 2010, from Wall Street Journal:

? Since marijuana was discovered, it was smoked to get high and to cope with suffering medical conditions. Scientists are now realizing that marijuana could help in some medical cases. It s not particularly effective across the board, but it …

The strongest and the most publicly accepted form of marijuana smoking is for medical reasons. Marijuana has the power to improve appetites in chemotherapy patients and AIDS patients and may reduce muscle spasms associated with epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, and …

Introduction: The use of medical marijuana has been a controversial issue since it has been suggested as a method for use as medication. Despite its dissention, it comes by patient recommendation and Doctors prescribe it to their patients based on …

The state of New Jersey is on the brink of becoming the fourteenth state in the United States to legalize the medical use of marijuana. A bill that is poised to alter the legal restrictions behind the use of marijuana …

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