Death Syndrome

Recently, it has been reported that almost everyone around the world, both smokers and nonsmokers are in danger. Smoking has been attributed to the deaths of more than one million smokers each year. We all know that many people in this country are addicted to this filthy habit. Although many smokers are aware of the deadly consequences caused by such behavior, they do not do anything to help themselves. They still continue to smoke, practicing and enjoying their “freedom of choice”. It does not hinder the majority of non-smokers to live normal lives, although smokers still have the capability of damaging their health.

Unknown to many, smokers not only affect their own health, but also of non-smokers. The inhalation of other people’s tobacco emission is known as secondhand smoking. It is definitely understandable that smokers want to do their habit anywhere they want to without any hindrance. This is their right, but the emitted smoke contaminate the surroundings, causing damages to non-smokers, especially in public places such as a restaurant. One of the disadvantages of smoking includes the smell. After coming home from a bar or restaurant, one may find their clothes smelling disgusting, because of the saturated stench of smoke.

Personally, I believe that I am not the only one disturbed by such actions. I find it uncomfortable walking down the streets with people continuously emitting the foul odor from the cigarettes. For nonsmokers like me, we are left with the question: should cigarette smoking be allowed in restaurants? Certain states have already banned smoking in public places, such as restaurants; but the rest of the others states still debate about this topic. For one, Virginia has not yet banned smoking in public places, such as restaurants.

This is because Virginia houses one of the tobacco manufacturers, and doing so would contradict their means of livelihood. In addition to this, a legislation was introduced in 2006 prohibiting smoking in restaurants, but no bills have been implemented as of now. Members of the Tobacco Company industry are concerned with the negative effect such bills will have on their businesses. Debates have been raised as to whether the health of an individual is to be prioritized or the wealth of a business. I was left with queries that have greatly affected my perception about this habitual vice.

Will a smoke-free environment affect both the smokers and non-smokers? For this, the tobacco industry has been shaken by such actions, that could eventually lead to the loss of smoking clients. This may be one of the excuses used by some cities, states, and countries, but what they do not know is the fact that they can help promote a healthy environment for the people. There is good evidence that comprehensive smoking bans, like those in New York City and Boston City, do not economically hurt the hospitality industry.

Also, for restaurant buildings a separate area for smokers was installed. This would accommodate to the needs of both smoking and non smoking clients. Moreover, being exposed to second hand smoking in restaurants is more harmful than being a regular smoker. According to the MSNBC News report, a general surgeon stated that “there were an estimated 126 million non-smokers who were exposed and may be affected by the hazards of tobacco smoking”, (Associated Press, June 27, 2006).

Smoking in public, such as restaurants, increase the risk of death from lung cancer, heart diseases, and other related illnesses. Furthermore, secondhand smoking releases the same number of chemicals, that may be poisonous, in the form of smoke. This smoke is inhaled by humans, affecting them greatly, since there is a greater quantity of chemicals incorporated in them. In addition to this, smoke also contains carbon monoxide that is five times more than the required amount.

This then reduces the oxygen amount in the blood, that contributes to the shutting of the air passages (Olivera, 2007). Moreover, the toxins within the atmosphere represent explicit danger for both smokers and nonsmokers. These toxins stick to walls, furnitures, and even carpets, that become hazardous when inhaled. Earlier this year, the California Health officials have stated that a whopping 46,000 non smoking Americans suffer from heart diseases, while an estimated 3,400 non-smoking Americans die due to lung cancer, and another 430 from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

For many years, smokers scoffed at the idea that their smoke caused problems for others, but now more and more people are realizing that there is real danger. Nonsmokers have been clamoring to effect major changes in the smoking patterns …

In the early 1970’s, when smoking was considered socially acceptable, offering someone a cigarette was a way to open conversation. Ashtrays were put in convenient places in living rooms and every table at a restaurant had an ashtray. In those …

Some much-needed progress is being made on reducing the exposure of people to environmental tobacco smoke. This can be empirically tested by checking the presence of a product of nicotine called cotinine that forms in the body a person is …

Have you ever been in a restaurant eating your favourite food, then just when you are about to take a bite, you inhale a cloud of smoke coming from the nearby smoking section? This has been a complaint from many …

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