Cystic Firbosis

Nothing stops them from having the opportunity to undergo this genetic testing. The issue is that of communication between the doctor or appropriate genetic counselor who takes them through genetic education and counseling. Genetic testing involves biochemical tests that can be used to determine the degree of vulnerability to a disease, the tendency for the inheritance of genetic disorders from through the individual. Genetic testing identifies changes in genes and chromosomes by analyzing changes seen in base sequences, DNA, RNA and proteins.

The testing is usually associated with inherited disorders. They are useful for prenatal diagnosis, diagnostic and carrier testing. They are better informed of their health status and they are better prepared emotionally, financially and mentally for its concomitant challenges. I strongly believe the testing should be permitted despite the risks involved. Besides the physical risks are minimal since the sample for the tests are easily obtained. They are informed of the financial implications of the tests, and the frequency of the tests.

In this case, it is used to determine their status as diagnostic testing. When testing is done the normal way, they would be become prepared to accept the results, live with it and still be fulfilled. This is why genetic counseling is an inevitable partner of genetic testing. And in the case of Jim and Marilyn, it still maintains its usefulness. Insurance companies need such information as medical record with health risks; it helps in planning for appropriate medical intervention. 2. One of the methods of prenatal diagnosis is amniocenteses.

Others are chorionic villus sampling, ultrasonography and biochemical tests foe enzymes and plasma proteins. It appears plausible to offer the option of therapeutic abortion in this situation in actual facts; the hospital is handicapped by medical laws in providing such services that border on medical ethics in this case. After proper genetic counseling, patient is provided with available options. The patient/client then makes an informed decision confirmed by a formal informed consent received by the doctor-in-charge.

In order to terminate the second pregnancy, the couple is allowed the option of abortion if existing laws support abortion; otherwise it would illegal to do so. An agreement is then reached through patient-doctor to go ahead with the exercise This happens to be one of challenges that prenatal genetic testing poses; it exposes an impending health hazards or genetic disorders like Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, sickle cell disease, etc. 3.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis involves the use of in-vitro fertilization in which embryos are created in a Petri dish, tested for the disease, and the unhealthy ones are destroyed. Because of the diagnostic method involved, this has been widely criticized. It raises moral and ethical issues about the value and dignity of the human life in relation to genetic testing. Whether or not the testing should be offered to this couple is dependent on exist laws. 4. Cystic fibrosis is an x-linked genetic disorder.

Despite this, it should not just be offered to couples based on mere gender or a tall child. These criteria are of limited importance in determining the need for PGD. It is simply an advanced method for detection of genetic abnormalities in fetuses. The service is available to couples who need them so they can differentiate healthy babies from those with genetic abnormalities. The aim is to achieve a healthy baby not for reasons around height or sex of a child; it’s only parents who are keenly interested in such issues and are ready for the concomitant costs may be allowed to undergo the procedure.

Genetic testing is the analysis and examination of DNA, which is a line of code carrying instructions of your body’s function. Genetic testing reveals changes in the genes, usually things that will cause diseases and illnesses. Just because genetic testing …

Genetic testing is the analysis and examination of DNA, which is a line of code carrying instructions of your body’s function. Genetic testing reveals changes in the genes, usually things that will cause diseases and illnesses. Just because genetic testing …

Genetic tests during pregnancy are usually carried out in order to check for any abnormalities in the child itself, and to ensure the safety of both the foetus and mother. Genetic tests look mainly for the presence of mutations, chromosome …

Hey, My name is Ivy Clements and today I will be informing you all about Cystic Fibrosis. How many of you know what Cystic Fibrosis is? Well today I am going to inform you on what Cystic Fibrosis actually is. …

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