Current Health Promotion Pamphlet Analysis

The objective of creating a health promotion pamphlet is impact to constructively the health activities of the public and individuals while cultivating health awareness, attitudes, competences, and behavior. Health promotion enhances the health status and quality of life of those in the community. Awareness empowers the public to augment management on the contributing factors that affect their health and in so doing build their health through conscious participation.

By focusing on prevention, health promotion pamphlets assist in the reduction of health care costs to families, individuals, employers, employees, health insurance companies, health care facilities and decrease the financial gap created in government funded health care programs throughout the nation. Health Promotion Pamphlet on Chronic Conditions Within the United States (U. S. ), chronic conditions are most prevalent on those that are uninsured.

Roughly one out of every six American’s is uninsured, and the repercussions manifest themselves in diminished access to health care and poor health outcomes for this population (Pauly & Pagan, 2007). Despite a recent decline in chronic illness in adults 65 and older, chronic illness is on the rise among adults 35 to 55. Chronic health disparities in the U. S. continue to exist, especially for adults from meager and culturally sundry backgrounds and those with limited education. Because of these disparities health education has become significant in the attempt to create public awareness and save lives.

Most government funded health insurance companies offer adults written materials on chronic illness. The significance of the material offers early intervention and management of the diseases while offsetting cost. Usability Analysis of a Chronic Illness Pamphlet Health promotion pamphlets should be written to offer maximum readability and comprehension. The Institute of Medicine reports that 90 million U. S. adults have limited literacy skills and less than a sixth grade reading level and may be incapable of reading or understanding basic written health information.

Therefore, any material produced to teach the public should also consider the differences in culture, ethnic, and cultural background as well as language. The analysis of usability of this pamphlet on chronic illness examines three facets: layout, composition, and reading level. Analysis of the layout incorporated physical appearance of the pamphlet; such as the amount of pages and outline of the data. In addition the intended target audience, use of instructional pictures or drawings, columned, and bulleted text was also taken into consideration.

The analysis of material assessed the composition of the pamphlets meticulousness to deliver information on six of the highest risk chronic illnesses known to be prevalent in adults 35 to 55. The analysis of readability evaluated the reading level of the subject matter and the appropriateness and use of medical terminology. The pamphlet is written on a seventh grade level and should be revised to read in multiple languages and on a level below that of a sixth grader to factor in the Institute of Medicine’s report regarding U. S. adult literacy.

The Layout Physical appearance of the pamphlet is a tri-fold single paged brochure written in black ink with a three tone background. The headings of the disease are in a bright orange, the instructional in blue and the bullets in a brick orange color making it appealing visually. Intended Target Audience The pamphlet was written to target adults ages 35 to 55 with an increased risk to developing Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, High Cholesterol, COPD, and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). It also targets within this age range those from ethnic and culturally diverse backgrounds and lower level education.

Instructional graphics The pamphlet contained no illustrations or graphics depicting any of the chronic illnesses. Rather it offered instructional information which one would consider valuable. In view that this is a tri-fold brochure, it would be difficult to incorporate graphics and illustrations to depict visual representations of the illnesses without creating confusion and losing the point of the content. Columned and Bulleted Text Useful promotional materials written for adults are frequently outlined in bullet or columned text format. This construct amplifies intensity and is an uncomplicated read.

The headings of the pamphlet are separated by disease, what needs to be known, and the examinations done to assist in the determination of each are in bullet form. The pamphlet is simple and a one paged tri-fold. Meticulousness of Information Delivery The analysis pertaining to the meticulousness of information delivery of the pamphlet is based on the five chronic health topics. Those topics are as stated above Diabetes, Asthma, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, COPD, and CHF. The information on the diseases are clear, discusses and describes cause, prevention, control, diet, and need to follow up with a primary care physician.

The information also offers insight regarding testing, medication adherence, and symptoms to report. Conclusion Chronic illness materials represent a significant connection within the communication of provider to patient. Granted several educational materials exist and are accessible without cost within the community, this pamphlet in terms of content and readability exceeds the grade level it was intended to target. The pamphlet offers adequate information relating to the illnesses but in terms of the low literacy requirement the information would prove ineffective for the targeted population.

In addition the pamphlet was not produced in any other language besides English, therefore not reaching the ethnic and culturally diverse population. Health insurance companies, health care facilities, and medical offices should be mindful of various factors when producing reading materials for particular patients. The readability of the material is imperative when wanting to teach on all health topics. An educational resource incomprehensible to meet the needs of the targeted audience will not be efficient and fail to educate.

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