Crucifixion – Jesus

For Vinegar Boy’s whole life, he wanted Jesus to heal his ugly birthmark. In other words, without the birthmark gone, he wouldn’t be the “perfect son” for Nicholas. For example, “Open them, open them”, the boy pleaded silently. This is because Vinegar Boy thought if Jesus didn’t physically see him he wouldn’t be healed. Concluding, Vinegar Boy hopes Jesus restores his face, to become Nicolas’s perfect son.


Jesus was an incredible healer; one without equal, doing things that no man before or since has done. However, in order to understand the nature of his healing work, and the reasons He gave for doing it, He must be …

The words heal and healing means to make solid or whole. In the Bible it means the restoration of health, the making whole or well whether physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. In the New Testament the LORD God alone was …

Jesus Camp             Emile Durkheim’s initial reaction upon viewing the film would be much more of a bored look rather than surprise or agitation. He is more focused on his study of society as dispassionate and scientific, so his point …

Jesus displeases the Pharisees (1-5) a. Walking through the grain fields (1) a. i. On the Sabbath day (1) a. ii. With his disciples (1) b. They plucked some heads of grain (1) b. i. They were hungry(1) b. ii. …

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