Critique chem

Ebola is an infec? ous and generally fatal disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding, spread through contact with infected body “uids by a #lovirus (Ebola virus), whose normal host species is unknown. Ebola has now infected about 9,000 people and killed nearly 4,500, including 263 health care workers. Ebola has arrived in the U. S but only a few cases have been reported. What would happen if Ebola spreads throughout the en? re U. S? How would we stop the spread of it? Ebola is spread by touching the blood or body “uids of a person who is sick with or has died from Ebola, including but not limited to urine, saliva, feces, vomit and semen.

I have taken the precau? ons of what you should normally do every day but I have taken the necessary ?me to wash my hands whenever I have the opportunity and not sharing my food and/or drinks with anyone. Why did America not take the necessary precau? ons of not having any “ights leave or come to the America? Why did we not issue a order and we would not have to worry as much for our safety about the virus. We could have been a lonely island un? l there are zero cases of Ebola reported.

I also do not understand why we are s? ll not taking as many precau? ons to this virus when it is in America. Shouldn’t we be taking extra precau? ons? I don’t think people are taking this virus seriously when there is no cure. It is not like the “u where they write you a prescrip? on and you are all good. You could die within 2 weeks because of this virus. Even if they did make a cure there would not be enough for everyone because there would be too many sick people and no enough healthy ones to get the cure from. In the ar? cle it states,” This is Ebola. It is a horrible, unforgiving disease. You’ve got to get down to zero”.

Hi, My name is Dr. Howe and I work for the CDC. CDC stands for the Center of Disease Control. Today I’m going to talk to you about Ebola. Ebola Virus is a deadly virus and we sometimes have to …

The Ebola Virus is a very dangerous virus. It causes a hemorrhagic fever called Ebola virus disease. ‘Hemorrhagic’ means that the victim infected with the virus bleeds both internally and externally. Out of every 10 people who get the virus, …

The origin has been traced to a two-year-old child from the village of Gueckedou in south-eastern Guinea, an area where batmeat is frequently hunted and eaten. The infant, dubbed Child Zero, died on 6 December 2013. The child’s family stated …

As of 2014, an epidemic of Ebola virus disease is ongoing in West Africa. The epidemic began in Guinea in December 2013. It then spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal. In the United States, an initial case has …

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