Criticism cognitive approach

Acceptance and commitment cognitive approach has over the years received strong criticism from both the scholars and the clinicians on its approach to addressing mental disorders in the patients. According to Bohus et al (875-887), acceptance and commitment cognitive approach has several similarities to the mystical, consideration of the traditional and spiritual aspects. The ability to accept and commit to the realities had its origin around the same period when different aspects of western science such as the general assumed focus on forgiveness.

Bohus et al (875-887) continues to say that mental disorders demands an inclusive system where the assimilated method guarantees the best returns in terms of the ability of the patient to resume to their normal lives and prevent further resilience into the system. On the other hand, meta-cognitive approach has equally been criticized for its double standards posted in the conflicting positive and negative beliefs about worry.

Though Leahy (192-196) accepts the general empirical research oriented nature of the approach, there is a large possibility for the different patients to vacillate in their attempts to either allow or permit the worry at different stages. Indeed, later researchers in the same line reported major conflicting thoughts by the people on the need, ability, and when to control different responses.

It is also worth noting that from the emergent studies, there have been many trials in an attempt to support the system with minimal success. This has further put the approach into jeopardy as the actual intrinsic impact and applicability of the system becomes further questionable. Both approaches have however been cited to be less effective in addressing mental disorders that have advanced to the higher levels.

Hayes et al (56-59) indicates that mental disorders at the intensive states pose one of the greatest challenges to psychologists to address. At the higher levels of mental disorders, human bodies trigger strong and complex processes that are at times irreversible. Though meta-cognitive approach has been strongly research based to try and address the problem, there is need to focus on post worry two stages as a method of enhancing the method’s capacity to address the problems of the society conterminously.

Acceptance and commitment cognitive approach on the other hand has equally fallen short of the capacity to address great levels of mental disorders. Though acceptance and commitment cognitive approach have constantly indicated its ability to address the problems when the patients get to accept the actual situation they are in, the same consideration is not effectively supported by effective research where

Acceptance and commitment therapy indicates that the core of many mental problems is related to the following considerations. To begin with, as the relational theory indicates, the evaluation of the experience that an individual has ever encountered or anticipates to …

Over the recent past, the field of cognitive psychology has received strong cognition owing to its efficacy in addressing variant mental problems that affect the society. As it came out in the paper, it is clear that vast researches have …

Over the years, cognitive dimensions have been effectively applied in understanding human behavior and therefore used as a major facet in solving related behavioral problems. This has been the case due their efficacy in extrapolating and interlinking the internal physiological …

According to Chapman (325-331), mental disorders have over the years assimilated a modernistic approach where their application seeks to fit within the brackets of the people cultures and the general orientations of the problem. Indeed, the ability of the patients …

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