Creation of awareness

Adult’s prevalence rate 5. 0 Adults and children newly infected 1. 7 mil Adults and children deaths due to aids 2006 1. 6 mil (72% of global aids deaths) Access to ARVs 28% Main mode of transmission Heterosexual (SOURCE: UNAIDS, 2007). In Tanzania which is one of the Sub- Saharan Countries had HIV/aids epidemic like other countries, recent reports from ministry of health indicated that since the 3 cases were reported in 1983 in KAGERA region a total 118,713 cases has been reported from the health facilities in the country by 1999.

It is however estimated that cumulatively about 600,000 people have developed HIV/aids and about 2 million people have been infected with HIV/aids virus. The report show that 70. 5% of now HIV infected is in the age of 15-24 age groups, about 72,000 new babies born were infected with this pandemic in 1999, it is estimated that there are over 600,000 orphans due to this deadly disease (TACAIDS, 2007). According to the current data about HIV/aids from TACAIDS indicators survey, the national prevalence among the secular active population is reported to be 7.

0% the data shows more women 7. 7% are infected than men 6. 3% and estimated number living with HIV/aids is 1. 3 million (TACAIDS, 2007). In Tanzania the young (15-24) are more affected by HIV/aids simply because they start sexual activity while they are in primary school and they get Aids information inaccurately, youth engage in sexual activity because of peer pressure to the boys, and girls is because of temptation of having good things and some being molested by old men who have money (GUIDELINES FOR AIDS COUNCILLORS IN TANZANIA, 1993).

HIV infections is mainly through heterosexual, hence is a social, economic and cultural problems which touches on private life style individuals. Therefore the risk of HIV infections is highest among young people, girls, and women in our cultural environment because they don’t have control over sexuality. Poverty increase the vulnerability of HIV infections as some women engage in high risk behavior for survival. (TACAIDS, 2007). 1. 1 The statement of the problem.

HIV/aids is the most dangerous disease which affect globally, nationally so the question to deal with it is possible. In Tanzania the question of HIV is the biggest problem in men, women, boys and girls. Thus it affects our country economically, politically, socially and culturally, so we need to combat in order to eradicate it. So the primary purpose of this research is to find out the attitudes and awareness of primary school students towards HIV/AIDS at NYAMAGANA District. Nowadays this pandemic disease also affects the primary school students.

In order to deal with it we first have to know how the students themselves understands the concepts of HIV/AIDS, so by using both qualitative and quantitative research methods the researcher was interested to find out the attitudes and awareness of primary school students towards HIV/AIDS at NYAMAGANA District in MWANZA City. 1. 2 Research Objective 1. 2. 1 Main Objective The main objective of this research is to investigate the attitudes and awareness of primary school students towards HIV/AIDS pandemic 1. 2. 2 Specific Objectives i) The researcher intends to examine how primary school students know about HIV/aids.

ii) To understand the causes and condition which make students to be affected by HIV/AIDS. iii) To recommend ways/strategies for combating early sex and Aids transmission among primary school students. ogical agent causing AIDS, transmission of this virus depending largely on behavior interrelated to sexuality and drug use (Mulkot etal, 199) if people will change their attitudes on HIV/aids with proper information the epidemic will not spread anymore or it will decrease, like wise there should be upward and downward communications about the causes and effect of disaster and how it will affect their operationalization in general.

2. 2 Related Literature Review HIV/AIDS is not caused by sharing of foods, interaction or playing together or any activity that can make people together in their daily lives, but the pandemic HIV/AIDS will be caused by the number of factors as follows; Sexually activity This is when two people who might be partners or not engage in sexual activity while one is already affected by this pandemic thus affecting the one who was not yet infected. Sharing needles This disease can also be caused by sharing needles with an infected person, so the infection spreads to those who are not infected.

Exchange of body fluid Exchange of body fluid like blood transfusion from a person who is already infected can also infect the receiver of that blood who was not infected. From an infected mother Also this disease can be caused from an infected mother to her unborn child or through breast feeding it. Drug users The pandemic of HIV/AIDS can also be caused by those drug addicts who share needles and syringes. Not only the schools that are supposed to teach these students about HIV/AIDS but also the families should sit and talk to their children about this pandemic disease.

Parents should be open to their children about the causes, symptoms and effects of HIV/AIDS. This will encourage the children to keep away from all the causes of HIV/AIDS. 3. 4. 1 Interview Method This method will be used by the researcher in collecting data from the respondents and the researcher used this method because it uses structured and unstructured question in order to get more data during interviews as to have flexibility and to obtain personal information in greater depth.

3. 4. 2 Observation Method The research will also use observation method in collecting data because this tool helps to provide information about actual behavior so that the researcher becomes close to the respondents where the respondents gets more comfortable during providing information. 3. 4. 3 Questionnaire Method The researcher will use questionnaire methods in collecting information and most of them will be open ended question and he uses this method because it can help the researcher to get more information because there are some respondents who don’t want to be interviewed, so through this method it provides more information required for the study.

3. 5 Data Collection In this research, the methods used in data collection are qualitative and quantitative methods because some information can be portrayed by explanations and others by numbers. Also data collection will involve both secondary data which are documentary from various organizations and the primary data can be obtained by interviewing different students. b) Interviews Some students will be interviewed in order to have non contradicting information so that the researcher uses this tool in order to make additional information about the attitudes and awareness of primary school students towards HIV/AIDs.

3. 5. 2 Secondary Data The researcher will also obtain information from other source such as reading books and searching data from internet. 3. 6 Data Analysis The analysis of the collected data will be done through the use of both qualitative and quantitative methods as it enables manipulating of the data by using percentages, frequencies and also by using explanations.

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http://en. wikipedia. org/wikiAIDS. ST.AUGUSTINE UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH PROPOSAL Investigating the attitudes and awareness of primary school pupils towards HIV/AIDS A CASE STUDY OF NYAMAGANA DISTRICT IN MWANZA CITY Research proposal submitted to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communications in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at SAUT. Submitted by: Joseph Sarah. Registration number: 18054. Submitted on: March 23, 2012. TABLE OF CONTENTS [->0] – http://www. tanzania. org. tz/government/TACAIDS. html [->1] – http://www. avert. org/origins. html.

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