Cosmetic Surgery

There is various form of cosmetic surgery that can range from minor surgery that is non- invasive treatment- which could be anything from fat injection, collagen or even Botox. Then there are major surgeries that consists of body contouring- which can be anything from liposuction, breast lifts or even breast reduction. No matter how minor or major the surgery is there can be risks or complications involved. Even though all surgery has risks, proper research of cosmetic surgery can lower the risks and complication related to the surgery.

Society has women and men’s believing that the only way they can be happy is to have a model’s figure to look like Tyra Banks or maybe Denzel Washington. To most the easiest way to achieve this is to have cosmetic surgery performed. The person starts saving money to have that surgery, but before a person should decide that she know longer like the way her nose looks, or she starts looking in the mirror and believe she is seeing bags under their eyes. Maybe lately they have been thinking I wish my breast was little bit bigger like Sharon, the younger girl next door.

Do the research related to cosmetic surgery. There are many misconceptions about cosmetic surgery today. The American academy of cosmetic surgery has designed a brochure that can educate people on some of the misconception. The average person does not even realize that there is a different between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is basically to enhance are change the beauty appearance. Plastic surgery is designed for reconstruction that was maybe cause from birth, or even trauma defect.

Two of my friends from high school had cosmetic surgery, but there were two different outcomes from their surgery. One did her research about the surgery the other went to the first person in the telephone book. There are ways to lower the risk one way the risks can be lowered if the person chose a board certified doctor, but make sure the doctor is board certified. In September a 32 year old-real estate agent by the name of Krista Stryland died following a simple surgery of lipo-suction performed by Dr. Behnaz-Yaz_Danfar of a Toronto Cosmetic Clinic.

Yazdanfar was a family doctor who had no surgical training, but on his website he claimed he did. He even went far as to say that he had perform the surgery before. “D. Letts, 2008”. In “Policing cosmetic surgery (2008)” stated “that under the new regulations adopted by the college of physicians general practitioners are prohibited from calling themselves cosmetic surgery even advertising that they are. ” The problems started over the lack of integrity related to licensing and regulation of cosmetic surgery doctors.

Choosing the wrong doctor can lead to all kind of complication and risks ranging from blood loss drop in blood pressure, infection, heart attack, stroke, nerve damage and sometimes even death. Another way to lower the risk, after the person has chosen a doctor who is certified and feel comfortable with that doctor. They need to start discussing with the doctor all the medication they are currently taking. Whether it be prescription medicine or over- the ” counter medicine, but also make sure that they discuss even herbal medicine.

The reason to discuss all medicine so the doctor knows so theirs no interaction to the drugs use during the surgery. Smart plastic surgery (2008) states that “telling your doctor everything can make all the different when saving the person life”. When they have chosen the right doctor and they have even discussed everything the doctor needs to know about their history. Know the person should ask themselves are they doing this for themselves, or what the society thinks they should look like. So the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (2008) has designed a brochure to help people and educate them.

There even is a section that asks if the person is a good candidate for cosmetic surgery by taking this quiz can also help to save the person life. The first question asks if the individual smokes and if they do can they stop smoking for at least two weeks so that there is not any complication from breathing. The second question asks if the individual is a heavy drinker. The third question asks if the person has stress in her life at the present time. The fourth question wants to know if the individual is emotion stable. The question is asked to see if the person is a high risk candidate or not.

A good candidate for cosmetic surgery is someone who is emotional stable, little or daily exercise, basically someone who lives a healthy lifestyle. The recent increase in cosmetic surgery has been related to the increase in reality television that focuses mainly on weight loss and appearances on how a person should look. If a person chose to have cosmetic surgeries I believe they should do it for themselves and not for someone else. In Be wise about your Beauty(2008) asks “What Beauty Means To The Person? ” it states that beauty is “skin deep”, comes from within”, or “even in the eye of the beholder”.

The website offers a questionnaire that has the person take a good look at them. The next time a person think about how exceptional Mary’s new breast look just remember all surgery weather major or minor comes with risks or even complication, but proper research can lower the risks related to cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery can be lowered by four main reasons. First find a board certified doctor. Next make sure the person discuss all the medicine they are taking with the doctor. Third make sure that the person is a good candidate for cosmetic surgery.

Last but most important that the person decide that they are having cosmetic surgery because the person want to and not what society say the person should look like. References: D. Lett (2008) The search for integrity in the cosmetic surgery market. (Canadian Medical Association Journal), 178(3), 274-5 Retrieved October 20, 2008, from Proquest health and Medical Policing Cosmetic Surgery (2008) Canadian Medical Association Journal 178(11), 1412, Retrieved October 21, 2008, From Proquest Health and Medical American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (2008).

Important information about board certified doctors, Retrieved September 29, 2008 from www. cosmeticsurgery. org Be Wise about Your Beauty (2008). Ask “What Beauty Means To You? Tell the person to take a good look at themselves. Retrieved October 4, 2008, from www. bewiseaboutyourbeauty. com Smart Cosmetic Surgery (2002-2008). Informs peoples there are risks, even when taken all the precautions needed. Retrieved October 2, 2008, from www. plasticsurgery. com.

In this era, both men and women seem to be twins in beauty. There is nothing wrong to make ourselves more beautiful or feel better about ourselves. In a society where image is everything, feeling and looking good is an …

M. Sandra Wood. (2005). Intenet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Women. New York: The Haworth Press. R. Merrel Olesen. (2005). Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. James Partridge. (1996). ?Face Values’, Health Education, 3/2:pp30-33 Time. …

M. Sandra Wood. (2005). Intenet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Women. New York: The Haworth Press. R. Merrel Olesen. (2005). Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. WE WILL WRITE A CUSTOM ESSAY SAMPLE ON ANY …

Throughout recorded history, a pale complexion has nearly always been more fashionable than a tan complexion because pale skin represents a woman who does not have to labour outdoors. So, most non-white women probably wanted to be whiter and they …

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