Cosmetic Surgery

In this era, both men and women seem to be twins in beauty. There is nothing wrong to make ourselves more beautiful or feel better about ourselves. In a society where image is everything, feeling and looking good is an important part. A question we have to ask ourselves is how far would we go to look perfect? Before we consider something as drastic as cosmetic surgery, we should make sure that we are happy with who we are from the inside, because the outside can be changed. If we were a person who would like to be beautiful, we will not choose cosmetic surgery.

Most men and women pay more attention to the cosmetic surgery to make themselves perfect as they desire. On the other hand, one of the prohibitive disadvantages of cosmetic surgery is the cost. A simple Botox injection can cost as much as four hundred dollars and even more in some countries where it is more popular. Breast reductions can range between three thousand and five hundred dollars and six thousand dollars depending on being a man or a woman. Average cost for face lifts is about six thousand and five hundred dollars. Liposuction costs more than three thousand dollars.

A nose job is usually more than four thousand dollars and eyelid surgery is at least three thousand dollars. These are a few sample costs of some popular cosmetic surgery procedures. The cosmetic surgery carries with it some degree of risk. One of the most common mistakes people make when they do the cosmetic surgery is choosing the wrong doctor. If we choose the wrong doctor who is not certified, we may put our health into risk and our life in danger. At the very least, a bad doctor could make our appearances worse than we were. The doctor may not use sterile equipment, which could result in infection or hematology.

Similarly, doctors may do the operation that result in irregularities, asymmetries, puckers, and dimples. According to Mr. Tep Vetchvisit, who is a surgeon expert in Thailand, he has revealed that there is a Thai star, Sunny Ufour, who has ever undergone the surgery from an illegal surgery clinic. Sunny Ufour said that, “if you would like to be a beautiful woman or a handsome boy, you should carefully choose a truthful and experienced surgeon and unless you would be like me. ” Another important disadvantage is that some people become addicted to surgery.

Any person who is addicted to plastic surgery is often willing to have his appearance corrected by a surgeon even if they have to pay so high. On the whole, Before we consider something as drastic as cosmetic surgery, we should make sure that we are happy with who we are from the inside, because the outside can be changed. If we were a person who would like to be beautiful, we will not choose cosmetic surgery. Moreover, we should take above information into consideration before having the cosmetic surgery. If you misstep into this beauty cycle, please be careful and should not do it unconsciously.

In our society today, what our bodies look like is a big money making thing. Therefore, being a teenager and have plenty of money brings us to having cosmetic surgery done to our beautiful bodies. The three factors that teens …

In our society today, what our bodies look like is a big money making thing. Therefore, being a teenager and have plenty of money brings us to having cosmetic surgery done to our beautiful bodies. The three factors that teens …

In our society today, what our bodies look like is a big money making thing. Therefore, being a teenager and have plenty of money brings us to having cosmetic surgery done to our beautiful bodies. The three factors that teens …

In our society today, what our bodies look like is a big money making thing. Therefore, being a teenager and have plenty of money brings us to having cosmetic surgery done to our beautiful bodies. The three factors that teens …

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