Convalescent Hospital

As a result communication has assumed the horizontal mode to a greater extent with effective constant touch between the organization management and staff. However, the two organizations differ in that Convalescent Hospital inculcates a more coterminous system where the staff operations have been directly connected to all of its stations. However, assisted living has on the other hand centralized its communication where all details are available from a central position after which all the offices in different regions are able to get the information.

Notably, the former system is better in that direct consideration, consultations, addition, or subtractions can easily be made between the staff and the management (Clifford & Clifford, 2009). Management styles Over the years, management of long term health care organizations has assumed a centralized model where the systems and staff are coordinated from a central position. Budgetary allocations, supervision, employees’ motivation and overall operations of the organizations are run from the central point. According to the management theory, it is clear that centrality of management assists in enhancing effective disposal of their mandates.

Notably, assisted living has assumed a more democratic management style where staff proposals are highly regarded and forms the immediate platform for addressing various issues. This has greatly assisted the organization in managing and enacting changes. On the other hand, Convalescent Hospital has embraced emergent management where team work forms the basis of all operations in the organization. Through team work, the best leaders are easily identified and therefore taken to head various sections due to their effectiveness and cohesive capacity with the system and staff.

To add to that, it is through teamwork that staff derives identity of the company. As indicated by the management theories, manager’s ability to articulate their issues in a reciprocating manner where the staff owns the decision, organization, and the operations in it forms the best platform for long term services delivery. Therefore, the later system is much superior to the former in that it outlays the direct link for the management and staff as well as staff operations and long term agendas as the main services offered by the organization (Douglas, 2007).

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