Consequences of Using Alcohol Beverages

I understand that using alcohol beverages is done to accomplish social, religious and economic goals and activities. This idea of fulfilling important aspects in life deserves a thorough review since there are so many reasons why it is harmful to social, physical and intellectual development. Hence, the consequences of using alcohol beverages are one of the most important issues that should be taken into consideration.

There is a necessity to teach and inform every individual in the ill-effects of using alcohol beverages. Personally, I had been affected by it and literally make my life in chaos not to mention the health problems that I encountered due to the excessive use of alcoholic beverages. If not for my willingness to work things over and change the habit, it would have been a regretful part of my life.

Logically, we wanted to protect most of our children from the harshness of alcohol abuse. We want also to warn adults in the dangers of excessive alcohol drinking since we have the responsibility to make this world a harmonious and beautiful place to live in. If we assume that we could not care for others, then we can be wrong. Since excessive use of alcoholic beverages is addictive to do, it might lure our dear friends, family members and loved ones as well as all people out there and bring them into danger.

Alcohol abuse is defined as the sustained exploitation of alcoholic beverages regardless of the enlargement of social, legal, or health problems (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”). We must be aware that any alcohol utilization by underage children is considered to be abuse of alcohol. It was indicated by Statistics that various adolescents start drinking alcoholic beverages at an early age (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”).

This is due to the examples shown by their parents, brothers or sisters, as well as media and peer influence. It is the school community that children can get a large possibility of drinking alcohol. Peer pressure makes them vulnerable from using alcohol even at an early age. With that, we must do everything to avoid this situation. Now that we know why the situation exists, it is our responsibility to protect our children from any impending harm due to alcohol abuse.

Essentially, we must realize that the effects of teenage drinking engage both health- and safety-related problems. One of these problems includes accidents while driving due to excessive alcohol use such as auto crashes and even death. It’s easily accessible and often viewed as something that every kid tries. Alcohol use is time after time caught up in car crashes and weapon incidents (“Alcohol”). It also portrays an important role in suicides done by adolescents (“Alcohol”).

Unwanted pregnancy may also result due to alcohol abuse. The relationship between alcohol drinking and dangerous actions applies to sexual behaviors (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”). The cost of such behaviors may result to rape, defects of birth and transmission of illness (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”). There were surveys of an adolescent that displays and proves an relationship between the use of alcohol and participating in hazardous sexual acts (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”).

 Is it not a waste of life and future when young people succumb to these circumstances? Yes, it is and our conscience would tell us that we must do something to prevent anything related to these accidents to happen.

Others may include domestic violence and suicide (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”). Parents who are using alcohol may go home drunk and may physically abuse their children or even their spouses. Aside from that, alcohol abuse among young people may also be interrelated to behavioral troubles coupled to rashness and sensation seeking (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”).

One thing that we can do is to set a good example for our children. Children of parents who are alcoholics are more likely to do the same than those of nonalcoholic parents (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”). Aside from that, children of alcoholic parents my suffer child abuse, show symptoms of anxiety, experience physical and mental health problems, can find that going to school is a difficult task, show problems in behavior and display lack of health care and higher cost if done (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”). If all of us can show good example to others, that is to quit using alcoholic beverages, all these horrible things cannot happen. It is only by doing well that we can have a good life.

Besides, we should teach our young children that underage drinking is a violation of existing laws. We must know that there are people whose culture views that consumption of alcohol is part of growing up and that even those called to enforce the law may ignore violations. The countless cost of careless consumption of alcoholic beverages, by youths and adults alike, insist work (“Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”). In all cases, law enforcers are required to do their part in solving the problem of alcohol abuse and not to aggravate it by personal interests.

Moreover, there are physical consequences due to the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Due to alcohol abuse, the brain may be damaged as it may interface with fat molecules in the cell membranes (Loftgren, 2008, p. 1). It is a dangerous situation since it may alter the way the brain works for the human body. How does it happen?

We should know that after drinking alcohol a person may feel pleasurable feeling which leads to repeated use of the same. It will lead to addiction. So then, experiencing confusion, loss of coordination and death will follow (Loftgren, 2008, p. 1). Is it not a necessity to protect one’s brain? Yes, it is an important thing to accomplish that our brains must be protected against any damage. Otherwise, people cannot function well in the society and proved to be useless and an additional liability.

 Finally, we must be aware of the signs of alcohol abuse. These signs include disruption of social functions, inability to meet obligations and responsibilities in the family and the society, experience of conflicts in the environment, and poor performance in work (Loftgren, 2008, p. 1). Knowing these horrible situations, we should not allow our loved ones and friends to be a victim on this. With all our compassionate hearts and minds, we must do all that we can to protect all young people from being a victim of alcohol abuse. In that way, we can be a source of strength and moral edification of other people.

Works Cited

“Alcohol”. 2008. Tricity Partners. 18 July 2008 <>.“Information About Alcohol”. 2008. National Institute of Health. 18 July 2008<>.

Loftgren, Richard.“Alcohol Use Disorders”. 2008. Health Link: Medical College of Wisconsin. 18 July 2008 <>

 “Minor Drinkers/Major Consequences: Enforcement Strategies for Underage Alcoholic Beverage Law Violators”. June 1998. 18 July 2008

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