Cons of genetically modified foods

Science and Technology world over has continued to evolve and everyday scientists are coming up with grandiose new ideas that are not only changing how things are done but how products are grown and produced as well. One of this great advancement in this era has been the development of genetically modified (GM) foods. This development was first initiated in America in the early 1980s with the first GM foods hitting the market by the start of the 1990s. However, a controversy on the safety of the GM food has continued to beset this industry. (Nathan B) So what are genetically modified foods?

One may ask, genetically modified foods are described generally as foods that are modified from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The DNA on this organisms is altered through an elaborate process called genetic engineering. Cottonseed oil, Canola, corn and sorghum are the foods commonly used as the main derivatives for the modified foods. (Nathan B) Proponents of this particular industry or technology have over and over again continued to drum up the support for the genetically modified foods arguing that this is the answer to the food shortages across the world.

They have continued to point out that food security in the world is at the verge of collapse and something should be done and the answer is readily available from modified food. Many have seen these arguments as an avenue for profiteering. On the other hand major controversies on this issue have commonly been centered on variable issues including food security, reduction of poverty, environmental and human safety, consumer choice, ethics and environmental conservation. (Nathan B) The purpose of this paper is to argue against the development and use of genetically modified food.

It is important as stated before to appreciate that this technology is undoubtedly one of the best technologies that the world has ever witnessed. Nevertheless, it has continued being randomly forced down on people and the environment without any form of risk assessment or the future impact. (Nathan B) Most foods produced in the genetic manner are not labeled as the industry has continued to point out that the foods are the equivalent of “the real food” thus don’t require any form of labeling, but is seen as a way of hoodwinking the consumers. (Nathan B)

One of the first death incidences emanating from the use of genetically modified food was witnessed in 1989 when several American citizens died while others were afflicted or impaired by “L-typtophan,” a food supplement that was genetically altered. A $ 2 billion settlement was paid out by Showa Denko are one of the largest chemical companies in Japan responsible for the production of the supplement. (Nathan B) In another incidence in 1996 in Brazil, Allergic reactions were witnessed after consuming soybeans that had been modified using the Brazil nut by a company called Pioneer Hi-Bred.

The nut itself had allergic effect on certain individuals, causing anaphylactic shock that is usually fatal. Fortunately the product was withdrawn from the market after various animal tests confirmed the danger. (Nathan B) Another area of concern is the permission given to GM production companies to “own rights to create, direct, and orchestrate the evolution of animals” Such companies continue to alter or modify the various genes in animals in total disregard of the suffering of the animal. (Nathan B)

A good example of such a case, is the “Animal Abuse Pig number 6706” that was implanted with a gene to turn it into a “technological wonder” or “Super Pig”. However, the pig later evolved to become a “Super cripple” with cross-eyes and was overwhelmed with arthritis because of the excessive weight. (Nathan B) Various studies and researches have continued to show that GM products as much as they check and control food pests they end up killing insects that are beneficial like the monarch butterfly larvae.

Researchers from the Swiss government discovered that the Bt crops that were supposed to target the cotton worms ended up killing the lace worms instead. (Nathan B) The development of genetically modified “super trees” also has equally generated controversy and concern. The trees are developed with the hope that they can be sprayed from the air thereby killing everything in the surroundings with the exception of the GM species.

Research is underway in an attempt to transform the international forests by having multiple species of the GM trees. This is bound to affect the flora and fauna of such forests, which is an interconnected ecosphere. The effect would arise because unlike the natural trees the GM trees are sterile and flowerless, which means that the ecosystem would greatly be impaired. (Nathan B) There have been concerns in various quarters about the effect of the GM foods on the health of animals and human beings.

It is believed that such foods can eventually lead to birth defects and reduce the lifespan of individuals especially because of ingesting transgenic animal/ human products. Doubt arises on the impact they have on human evolution bearing in mind that it has been observed that rBGH increases cases of birth defects and decreases the lifespan of cows. It is also worth noting that rBGH injected in cows increases the level of udder infections requiring increased use of antibiotics for treatment. This leads to a very high level of antibiotic residue in the milk.

This would have obvious effects on the consumers of such milk, as they would become resistant to antibiotics. (Nathan B) The antibiotic threat can also be realized from plants especially in markers used to track implanted genes in the cells. For example genetically modified maize uses an ampicillin resistant gene as a marker meaning that the consumer of such maize would become quite resistant to ampicillin after prolonged use. This generally threatens the use of compiling as a form of treatment. (Nathan B) Conclusion

Human race has existed for quite a long time without the need to influence the genetic composition of the foods he eats; it is very imperative to pay keen attention to the effects of the various technologies that come up as the answer to the woes besetting the human kind. Until convincing research is done as to support the notion of the safety of the GM foods human race is destined to a bleak future if they continue ignoring the evidence being raised to the contrary.

REFERENCE Nathan Batalion: 50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Foods: Retrieved on 12th April from http://www. cqs. com/50harm. htm

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