Computer Health and Safety

Computer evolution has been around for a while now but as the electronic era has developed, equally have the complaints and concerns about working with computers. Reports carried out by Department of trade and industry 1998 states that 1500 people in United Kingdom alone went to hospital as a result of accident at home involving using computers. This show the magnitude of what we can expect today if this issue is not properly addressed now over a decade later where computer is even in a mass use.

This manual provides details of information needed to ensure a safe and comfortable use of computers. Appropriate computer use habits and a choice a good designed computer ergonomic products can virtually eradicate the risk of acquiring repetitive computer activity disorders. A well arranged computer work area could enhance the user’s comfort during computer experience and his productivity.

The computer work area should have enough space to accommodate the user. It should also permit full range of motions that will be involved in carry out the task. Adequate space should be provided for the equipments that make up the computer units. Computer Desk selection should be made with adequate consideration of good stabilised table, a desk should have adjustable work surface with separate adjustable keyboard platform.

Adjustable furniture is essential to accommodate the needs of different people with different sizes sharing the same computer. For example someone shorter might need a footstool to rest the feet on, opposing to someone taller that will need a bit of adjustment to the furniture in order to suit his height needs. i The desktop should be arranged in a way to enable frequently used materials to be close to the user in order to refrain from excessive stretches to reach for things beyond arm length.

Prescription glasses wearers have to pay particular attention to the placement of their monitor. Wearers of spectacles often unknowingly tilt their heads backwards so they can read the screen through the lower portion of their glasses. This can sometimes lead to neck, shoulder, and back discomfort. Potential solutions include either lowering the computer monitor or purchasing glasses designed specifically for working at the computer.

In order to avoid problems connected with computer usage, changes should be made to the computer workstation set up. This will in turns stop the user encountering computer ergonomics problems that affects the wrist, elbow and forearm. In order to prevent development of ergonomic problems while using computer, the following changes should be made to the computer workstation. Computer workstation is recommended to have a lower illuminated area compared to typical room.

Brightly lighted area will reflect on the images on the computer screen and can cause loss on the picture quality or glare. Similarly poorly lit computer room could result in symptoms such as burning eyes, blurred eye and double vision. The ceiling light should be avoided, reduced or switched off if possible. The ceiling light can be substituted with a desk lamp if possible.

Viruses are the colds and flus of computer security: ubiquitous, at times impossible to avoid despite the best efforts and often very costly to an organization’s productivity. NIST recommends using a two-tiered approach for detecting and preventing viruses from spreading: On …

Computer science can be defined as the systematic study of algorithmic processes, their theory, design, analysis, implementation and application. Its functions in the modern society today expand far beyond the uses one could even begin to imagine. Specifically, there is …

Abstract Computer science can be defined as the systematic study of algorithmic processes, their theory, design, analysis, implementation and application. Its functions in the modern society today expand far beyond the uses one could even begin to imagine. Specifically, there …

Computer Science Essays Abstract Computer science can be defined as the systematic study of algorithmic processes, their theory, design, analysis, implementation and application. Its functions in the modern society today expand far beyond the uses one could even begin to …

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